Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - Mad Science In-House Field Trip

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, the students participated in the wonderful Mad Science, in-house field trip.  The students participated in numerous experiments about heat.  The grand finale was using heat to change the properties of matter turning sugar into a liquid and then back to a solid, thus creating cotton candy.  Check out Twitter for some pictures (@runnerdana)!!

After the field trip, we returned to the classroom and began our math rotations.  During the small group, teacher-led instruction, the students used fraction strips to identify and generate equivalent fractions.  During math with a partner, the students continued identifying equivalent fractions as they played the game Contraction Fractions.  Of course, math discourse was expected!!  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students finished watching Learn Zillions lessons about equivalent fractions from Monday and then watched a Learn Zillion lesson about identifying equivalent fractions using fraction strips.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, homework page.

Following lunch and indoor recess we reviewed the student's independent work task for today's literacy block.  Students will begin with an independent guided reading group assignment and then complete a word work activity.  After that, they will finish planning the plot of their realistic fiction picture book, complete their map of North America and work on the fake "Facebook" page representing their famous African American.

As they worked, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We reviewed last night's header sort and then continued reading chapter 1.  Independently they completed a speed sort using their word work words.  For HOMEWORK the children need to  reread chapter 1 and complete rainbow words using their word work words.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread chapter XX and, in their RRJ, listed challenges the children have faced since their dad left for Virginia.  They also completed a meaning check using 10 of their word work words.  In group we reviewed and shared their lists of challenges and then reviewed theme as being the big idea or lesson that the author wants readers to infer from the book.  I explained that the way a main character deals with their challenges will often help us identify the theme.  Then, as a group, we decided the theme of the book is to never give up or persevere.  Finally, we shared examples from the book that support this theme.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter XXI and complete rainbow words using their new word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 20 and, in their RRJ, described the challenge in the chapter.  They also completed a meaning check using 10 of their word work words.  In group we began by discussing the challenges in this chapter.  Then I explained that the way a main character deals with the problems in the book often relates to the theme.  So, we discussed the main character, Peter, the problem, getting the gold out of the country, and how Peter met this very dangerous task.  From this discussion we arrived at a few themes for this book.  For HOMEWORK the students need to use their word work words to complete rainbow words and they need to read chapter 21.

Panthers:  Independently the students read chapter 5 and listed unknown words on a sticky note.  They also did a speed sort with their word work words.  In group we reviewed their lists of unknown words.  Then we worked, as a group, to write a written response to a comprehension question.  This group is struggling to write well worded, coherent answers.  So, we are going to focus on that in group.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread chapter 5 and do rainbow words using their word work words.

The children ended their day in PE with Mr. Benco.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Terrific Tuesday--Practicing for PARCC

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we participated in a practice session for the PARCC assessment.  The purpose of this activity was to familiarize the students with the actual test.  Students were encouraged to play around with the navigational tools and explore the types of questions they will encounter.

For more information about the PARCC, and to view sample questions, click here.

After the students completed the practice session, we gathered on the carpet and I modeled how I would use the navigational tools to answer questions.

Then we took a Go Noodle brain break.

After that we reviewed the list of independent work tasks for today's literacy block.

Today all groups will complete an independent guided reading group assignment.  Then they will cut apart and put their initials on the back of the new word work words.  After that, they will finish planning out the plot, events leading from the problem to the solution, for their realistic fiction picture book.  Next they will work on the map of North America and then finish the fake "Facebook" page representing their assigned African American.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students worked on their independent work while I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  First we did a word wort with our new word work words.  This lesson focuses on the long u and short u sounds and spelling patters.  After that I introduced our next book, Freckle Juice.  Then, after the children did a quick preview of the book, we read pages 11 and 12 out loud.  For HOMEWORK the students need to do a header sort with their new word work words.  They also need to reread pages 11 and 12.

Panthers:  Independently the students read chapter 4 and, in their RRJ, identified a character trait to describe Ivy.  Then they used two examples of her word and/r actions to support their choice.  In group we began by sorting our new word work words.  This cycle is focusing on the long I and short I sounds.  Then we briefly discussed chapter 4.  For HOMEWORK the students need to do a header sort with their new word work words and reread chapter 4.

Leopards:  Independently the students read chapter XIX and, in their RRJ, explained the mood in this chapter using 2 examples from the text to explain it.  In group we sorted their new words work words and then began discussing chapter XIX.  Once again, there was some confusion.  So, we revisited the chapter and reread it together.  For HOMEWORK the students will read chapter XX, and list unknown words, and do a header sort with their new word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students read chapter 19 and explained the problem, and how it was solved, in their RRJ.  In group we began by doing a sort with their new word work words.  Then we discussed the problem in chapter 19.  Finally, we briefly discussed the concept of a concentration camp.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 20 and list unknown words.  They also need to do a header sort with their new word work words.

Our day ended with an impromptu "chat" about expectations during independent work time.  There have been too many students not completing their work and entirely too many interruptions during my guided reading groups.  I spent time clarifying my expectations and providing the class a chance to express frustrations and ask questions.  Hopefully, a little refresher is all that was needed!  :-)

There is no math homework this evening.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Marvelous Monday--another 2 hr. delay

Due to the 2 hour delay, students came in, and either read quietly or practiced keyboarding, and then went straight to lunch.

When they returned to class, we took a moment to discuss the upcoming PARCC assessment and to run an update on our class Chrome Books.  Our practice session, for the PARCC, will take place tomorrow morning.

After that, we began math rotations.  Generally, when we have a 2 hour delay, we miss math and jump right into our literacy block, but because of the PARCC practice tomorrow, and our in-house field trip on Wednesday, I didn't want to miss math today.

This week, in math, we will be identifying and generating equivalent fractions.  So, during the small group, teach-led instruction, we used pattern blocks to begin identifying equivalent fractions.

During math with a partner, the students reviewed fractions using an activity called Fraction Avenue.  Of course, discourse was expected.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched, and took notes on, 2 Learn Zillion lessons. One lesson addressed identifying equivalent fractions using area models.  The other explained identifying equivalent fractions using number lines.

For HOMEWORK  there is an assignment on Google Classroom, homework page.

After math, we had a very short period of time before going to music.  So, instead of having our regular literacy block, we took time to focus on planning the plot of our realistic fiction picture books.  First, I modeled planning 3 events (2 failed and 1 successful) to get from the problem to the solution.  Then, a couple of children took risks to share their problems, solutions, and events.  Finally, the students returned to their seats to identify the events, on index cards, for their own story.

After our writing lesson, the students ended their day in music with Ms. Guerra.

Tonight's homework:

Writing - entry due Friday
Math - Google Classroom assignment
Reading - read for 10 minutes, free choice

Friday, February 20, 2015

Brrrr...Freezing Friday!

This morning, due to the two hour delay of school, the students came in and headed right to lunch.

When they returned to the classroom, we reviewed and shared last night's math homework.  Then I explained the independent work for today's literacy block.

***We did not do the practice for the PARCC assessment.  That has been postponed to next Tuesday.***

Today the children will complete independent guided reading assignments.  Then they will finish unfinished work from the week.  This includes planning the main character, setting, problem and solution for their realistic fiction picture book.  Additionally, they will watch a Brain Pop Jr. lesson about continents and oceans.  Then they will complete a map of North America.  Finally, they create a fake "Facebook" page representing their assigned African American.

While the students work on these assignments, I will meet with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We began with a mini spelling test of their word work words.  They will get new words on Monday.  I had planned to begin their new book today but, due to the delayed start, our group was interrupted by another specialist in the building.  So...Monday will bring new word work words and a new book.  :-)

In the middle of our literacy block we visited Mrs. Allaire, in the media center.  She read a realistic fiction picture book, Knuffle Bunny 3, to us and used it to explain how illustrations add details to the story.  Additionally, she taught us about paging in books.

When we returned to class, the children resumed their independent work and I met with more groups.

Panthers:  Independently the children reread chapter 3 and identified a character trait for Uncle Max, along with 2 examples from the book supporting it.  In group we discussed chapter 3 and took a mini word work quiz.

Leopards:  Independently the children reread chapter 18 and in their RRJ they explained how the children felt at the end of the chapter and why.  In group we discussed how the children felt in chapter XVIII and why.  There was some confusion so we revisited the chapter and broke it down, piece by piece, until we agreed that the children were frustrated and not happy.  Then the students took a mini word work quiz.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 18 and, in their RRJ, explained why Peter is trying to find Uncle Victor.  In group we took a mini word work quiz and briefly discussed Peter's motivation to find Uncle Victor.

After our literacy block we shared homework writing journal entries.

Finally,  we ended the day with a class meeting.  During our group share, we identified our favorite type of car (a student picked this one!).  Then we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, the students discussed some of their challenges.  One challenge was students misbehaving behind my back and another was students interrupting during guided reading groups.  We brainstormed ideas to resolve these frustrations and will revisit them at a future class meeting.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thriving Thursday

This morning, after reading quietly or practicing keyboarding, we began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led instruction, students practiced locating and labeling improper fractions and mixed numbers on a number line.

During math with a partner the children generated data by using a spinner with winter items on it.  They represented the data using a bar graph and a line plot.  Finally, they answered questions based on the data.  Math discourse was expected throughout the task.

During the technology rotation, the students played Battleship Number line to practice locating fractions on a number line.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, homework page.  Additionally, I sent an email blast explaining my expectations.  There will not be a quiz tomorrow...we will be doing a practice session for the PARCC assessment.

Following lunch and indoor recess I reviewed the list of independent work for today's literacy block.  Students will begin with an independent guided reading assignment.  Then they will complete a buddy check using their word work words.

Next they will begin planning their realistic fiction story.  I modeled doing this.  I began brainstorming a problem that actually happened to me and then started wondering what might happen if the events were tweaked a bit, until I arrived at a problem and solution that felt right.  Then I explained to the class that we will be using index cards to help us plan our story.  Today, we will use three index cards.  One index card will identify the main character and setting.  The second will name the problem, and the third will state the solution.

After completing the three index cards, the students will view a Brain Pop Jr lesson about continents and oceans.  Then they will complete a map of North America using a link on the third grade web site.  Finally, the students will work on the fake "Facebook" page representing their assigned African American.

As students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  In group we completed a buddy check using our word work words.  This is our second week with these words and the children struggled with many of them.  For HOMEWORK the children need to complete look, say, cover, write, check, using their word work words and then read for ten minutes, free choice.  We will begin our new book tomorrow.

Leopards:  Independently the children reread chapter XVI and XVII and then, in their RRJ, explained why the people on the ship were afraid of the island.  In group we began by sharing their mnemonic sentences...these were SUPER but I feel so badly that the children spent so much time writing them.  Next we shared the student's RRJ responses.  Once again, their answers were correct but were awkwardly worded.  So, we drew a line of learning in their RRJ, and crafted a well constructed response.  For HOMEWORK the students will practice their word work words, free choice, and read chapter XVIII.

Lions:  Independently the children reread chapter 17 and, in their RRJ, explained how Dr. Aker helped to keep the schools closed and the Germans from examining the patients.  They also did a buddy check with their word work words.  In group, we shared the pictures they created with their word work words for homework last night.  We also discussed how Dr. Aker helped to keep the schools closed and the risk he took by tricking the German soldiers into being too scared to examine the patients.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 18 and define the word "curfew" on a sticky note.  They also need to practice their word work words, free choice.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 2 and identified a character trait to describe Uncle Max.  They also did a buddy check with their word work words.  In group we discussed how the mood of the chapter changed from chapter 1 and why.  We revisited the text to identify words the author used to describe the changes.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 3 and list unknown words on a sticky note.  They also need to complete look, say, cover, write, check, with their word work words.

The children ended their day in art.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher led instruction, the students practiced naming fractions, and mixed numbers, on a number line, greater than one.

During math with a partner, the students generated data by rolling a die, and then represented it on a line plot.  After that, they interpreted the line plot by answering questions about it.  Of course, math discourse was expected!!

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students visited Fraction Number Line to practice locating and labeling fractions on a number line.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, the homework page.

After math we began our literacy block by reviewing today's independent work tasks.  All students had guided reading and word work assignments.  After that they were expected to complete the story map representing the elements from Too Many Tamales.  Finally, they continued researching their assigned African American and creating a fake "Facebook" page representing that person.

Tigers:  The children used context clues to  identify synonyms for vocabulary from their book.  They also completed a speed sort using their word work words.  In group we discussed the problem in the book and what Kate Shelley did to solve the problem and WHY she did it...her point of view.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read for at least 10 minutes (free choice) and do a header sort using their word work words.  I have collected the Kate Shelley books and we will begin a new one tomorrow.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more guided reading groups.

Leopards:  Independently the children read chapter XV and wrote about the problem in this chapter, in their RRJ.  They also used 10 of their word work words in "Give Me a Clue".  In group we shared their RRJ responses.  Then I had each child draw a line of learning below their response and we crafted a model answer together.  As we did this, we discussed the need for the support from the text to explain the topic sentence and using transition words correctly.  For HOMEWORK they students need to read chapters XVI and XVII.  They also need to use 5 of their word work words in mnemonic sentences (#19 on new chart).  We did an example of a mnemonic sentence, together, in group.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 16 and, in their RRJ, explained why this epidemic could be a good thing.  Additionally, they used 10 more of their word work words in "Give Me a Clue".   In group we shared the children's RRJ responses and discussed why an epidemic would be good (it would keep the kids out of school and allow them to continue sledding the gold to the snake) and why Peter's mom silenced him (not knowing who was on their side and if he was in on the secret).  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 17 and go on Google Classroom, literacy page, to explain the meaning of the word quarantine, in their own words.  Additionally, they need to hide ten of their word work words in a picture, #16 on the newer activity chart.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 1 and, in their RRJ, they explained why this birthday turned out to be the best one ever.  Additionally, they did a meaning check using 10 of their word work words.  In group we discussed why this was the best birthday ever for Gregory (he finally gets his own bedroom) and the reason his family had to move.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 2 and list unknown words.  They also need to write each of their word work words three times.

After our literacy block, we defined the concept of culture, using the Encyclopedia Britannica Online, and the students shared some personal examples.

The students ended their day in PE with Mr. Benco.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine's Day...well, almost :-)

We did a lot of celebrating today!!  Read on to find out.

After reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we began our math block.

Today, we did not do rotations.  Instead, the students partnered up and worked on a set of 20 tasks linking Valentine's Day and fractions.  Obviously, discourse was expected!

Around 9:45 we went to an assembly in honor of Black History Month.  We were treated to a wonderful concert performed by Terry Marshall and his band, taking us on a stroll of African American Music history.

After the concert, we returned to the classroom and reviewed the answers to the 20 Valentine's Day fraction tasks.

Then we enjoyed lunch and recess.

After recess, the students worked on watching the story, Too Many Tamales, and identifying the elements of a story by creating a story map in their writing journal.  Then they continued reading about their assigned African American and creating a fake "Facebook" page representing them.

During this time I grabbed a few reading groups.

Tigers:  We practiced sorting and reading our word work words.  Then we reread page 45-47 and stopped at the end of each page to visualize and discuss what happened.

Panthers:  We met and reviewed their lists of unknown words from last night's homework.  Then we briefly discussed the main character, Gregory and why he was unhappy.

After our shortened literacy block, we celebrated Valentine's Day with a fantastic party.  The children enjoyed playing games, decorating bags, eating cupcakes, and exchanging valentines.  There was a photo booth, too!!  Thanks to all who helped make it such a fun event!!

Finally, we ended our day by sharing our homework writing entries and having our weekly class meeting.  Our class meeting began with students sharing what was on their mind (I love this one!).  Some students shared their weekend plans, others craved candy, and a couple shared frustrations.  Next, we exchanged compliments and thank yous.  Finally, we moved on to challenges.

During the challenge section I discussed the groups behavior at dismissal yesterday.  On Thursdays, I have my weekly planning at 2:45, so the students are dismissed by a para educator.  Yesterday, at least 7 students, claimed they had to leave early to pick up a brother, sister, and even a cousin!!  In reality NO ONE does this on a regular basis.  So, we addressed this issue.  Then we reviewed the list of consequences that the class brainstormed last week during our meeting.

Overall, we had a great week!

Enjoy the long weekend!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thriving Thursday

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we reviewed last night's math homework on Google Classroom and yesterday's math with a partner activity, where students create line plots to represent given data.

Next, the children took a math quiz covering fractions on a number line (thirds and sixths) and representing data by constructing a line plot.  These have been graded.  Please look for them in your child's home folder this evening.

We did go over the quiz as a class and students will see similar problems on next week's quiz.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break.

Next I introduced story maps and reread Thank You, Mr. Falker, and plotted the elements on a story map.  I also took time to model reading news articles about Wilson Wims, pulling out important information and using it to create a fake "Facebook" page representing Mr. Wims.

All of this took us up to lunch and recess.

After enjoying indoor recess, the students began working independently while I met with guided reading groups.

Today students will complete an independent guided reading assignment and a word work task.  Then they will watch the story, Too Many Tamales, and complete a story map identifying the story elements.  Next they will read biographies about their Black American and begin pulling information to use to create a fake "Facebook" page.

Tigers:  The children began by reviewing the chart of character traits and choosing one for the main character in their book, Kate Shelley.  Then they located 2 examples to support the trait in their book.  After that, they wrote about it in their RRJ.  This activity was a mixture of guided support and independent work.  When they returned to their seats they wrote their word work words three times each.  For HOMEWORK the students need to do another header sort and read pages 45-47.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread chapter XIV and copied two sentences from their book and used context clues to replace an underlined word with a more common synonym.  They  chose 10 word work words to do a meaning check.  In group we reviewed last night's word work and today's vocabulary task.  Then we reviewed the events in chapter XIV and attempted to discuss the problem in the chapter...but, there was complete silence.  I explained that this was not acceptable.  If they had read the chapter last night and then again today, as assigned, they should have some idea.  Therefore, they either aren't doing their reading or they are not reading carefully, stopping tpo visualize what they read (playing a movie in their mind) along the way.  So, for HOMEWORK tonight, the students need to reread chapter XIV and log in to Google Classroom, LITERACY page to answer the question I post.  They also need to do rainbow words with their word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 15.  Then they chose two unknown words, copied the sentences in which they appear and identified a more common synonym to replace it.  They also chose 10 word work words to use in "Give Me a Clue".  In group we discussed the new problem in chapter 15--Peter refused to speak to the soldier because he was scared...the soldier decided this showed he was dumb and ordered the children back to school.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 16 and log in to Google Classroom, literacy page, and explain the meaning of the word epidemic.  They also need to complete rainbow words, #9, with their word work words.

Panthers:  Independently, in their RRJ, the students identified a character trait for Anna and 2 examples from the text to support it.  In group I collected their books and introduced the next book, The Chalk Box Kid.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 1 in The Chalkbox kid and list unknown words on a sticky note.  They also need to write their word work words three times each.

The children ended their day in art with Mrs. Daniell.

Remember, writing journals are due tomorrow.

Our Valentine's Day party is tomorrow from 1-2.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning the students read quietly or practiced keyboarding.  There was no book exchange.  After the announcements we began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led instruction, I began meeting with the students participating in the compacted math assessment portfolio.  These students completed the fifth and final task.  The other groups counted, located and labeled thirds and sixths on a number line.

During math with a partner, the students used data gathered from the entire class about the number of siblings each classmate has and represented it on a line plot.  Of course, math discourse was the expectation!  Students had a variety of materials available to them so that they could create an original line plot.

Finally, students visited the Internet site, Fraction Flags, to practice identifying and representing fractions as they created flags.

We will have a math quiz tomorrow covering fractions on a number line and line plots.  For HOMEWORK there is an assignment linked to Google Classroom, homework page.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then reviewed the independent work tasks for literacy block.

First students will complete independent guided reading assignments and a word work activity.  Then they will brainstorm a list of topics for their realistic fiction picture book.   Next they will watch videos about friction and define it and describe 2 examples of friction producing heat in their science journal.  After that they will practice H, K, and X in cursive.  Finally they will practice reading, writing or keyboarding.

Tigers:  We reviewed visualizing what we read by creating pictures, or a movie, in our minds.  Then we practiced using this skills as we whisper read pages 42-44.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 42-44 and visualize what they read.  They also need to do rainbow words (#9 from the new chart) with their word work words.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more guided reading groups.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread chapter 13 then, in their RRJ, they explained what Amanda was doing on page 67 and why she was doing it, in their own words.  They also did a meaning check using 10 of their word work words.  In group we discussed the symbolism of Amanda throwing the doll overboard and why Jemmy kept playing with the lion's head door knocker.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 14 and do "look, say, cover, write, check" with their word work words.

Lions:  The students reread chapter 14 and explained the last line on page 92, in writing in their RRJ.  They also did a meaning check with 10 more of their word work words.  In group, we reviewed their meaning checks.  Then we defined mocking and discussed how weather can effect peoples bodies (ie. aches and pains).  Finally we discussed the last paragraph on page 92. Before dismissing the group, we discussed how to use the context of the text to determine the meaning of unknown words and then replace those with more familiar ones.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 15 and list unknown words with page numbers on a sticky note.  They also need to write the rest of their word work words in print and then in cursive.

Panthers:  Independently the children reread chapter 8, again.  Then they completed "look, say, cover, write, check" with their word work words.  In group I introduced character traits as words that describe how a person acts or thinks,  I gave the children a chart of character traits to glue into the back of their RRJ and use as a resource.  We reviewed each word on the chart and discussed using an online resource, in the future, should they forget the meaning of a word.  Then I modeled identifying a character trait for a student in group and using 2 examples to support my thinking.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read for 10 minutes, free choice, and do rainbow words using each of the word work words.  I modeled how to do this for the children but it's also #9 on their new activity sheet.

The students ended their day in PE.

Remember we are having a math quiz tomorrow.

Our Valentines Day party is Friday from 1-2.

Writing homework entries are due Friday.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Terrific Tuesday - Guest Speaker and PJ Day tomorrow!

Yippee...we finally earned a class Dojo reward.  This morning the class voted to have a Pajama Day tomorrow.  So, those who wish to participate can wear pajamas to school tomorrow.  Please be sure they wear appropriate footwear, though, because we have PE and outdoor recess.

On to today's rundown...

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we were treated to a guest speaker.  In honor of Dental Awareness Month, Dr. G., an orthodontist, spoke to the students about the importance of caring for your teeth.

When we returned to class we squeezed in as many math rotations as we could, prior to lunch.

During the small group teacher-led rotation, we interpreted line plots and practiced counting, locating, and labeling sixths on the number line.

During math with a partner the students engaged in math discourse as they wrote fractions with a denominator of 6, using a die to determine the numerator.  Then they drew a representation of the fraction, and located and labeled it on a number line.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the children practiced measuring to the nearest quarter inch by playing The Measurement Game.  Then they visited Sumdog to practice identifying and naming fractions.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment posted to the Google Classroom homework page.  Please note there are two attachments to open for tonight's homework.  Our QUIZ this week will be on Thursday.

After math the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When the students returned to class, I did a mini lesson to get us started on this marking period's inquiry project.  Each students will be writing and illustrating a realistic fiction picture book.  So far, we have watched authors explain how they get their ideas and what their writing process includes.  We have also spent time reading many different realistic fiction picture books.  Today we began planning our main character by thinking about what they might like or dislike, identifying strengths and weaknesses.  I modeled how to do this and answered questions along the way.

While I met with guided reading groups, the students completed an independent guided reading groups activity and a work work task.  Then the students created a main character for their inquiry project, in their writing journal.  After that they watched the 2 videos about friction, and defined it and described 2 examples of how it produces heat, in their science journal.  Then they practiced writing H, K, and X, in cursive.  If time remained, they practiced reading, writing or keyboarding.

Tigers:  First we reviewed last night's header sort.  Then we defined character traits as words describing how a person acts, behaves, and/or thinks.  The students glued a chart of common traits into the back of their RRJ and we discussed some that were unfamiliar.  Next, we identified some character traits to describe Kate Shelley and provided support from the story.  Finally, we whisper read pages 38-41 and paused at the end of each page to visualize what we read.  For HOMEWORK  the students will write each of their word work words using one color for consonants and a different color for vowels.  I modeled this in group.  They also need to reread pages 38-41.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread chapter XI and read chapter XII.  Them in their RRJ, they created a t-chart listing things the children did for fun on one side and the dangers on the ship on the other.  They also printed all of their word work words and then wrote them in cursive.  In group, we shared their ideas about the dangers on the boat and what the kids did for fun.  Then we discussed Dr. Crider being missing.  For HOMEWORK the students need to write each of their word work words using one color for vowels and a different color for consonants.  They also need to read chapter 13.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 13 and explained the last line on page 84, in their RRJ.  Then they chose 10 of their word work words to use in a meaning check.  In group, we shared some of the meanings they discovered during word work today.  Then we returned to page 84 and discussed the last line on the page and it's implications.  Finally, the students glued a chart of character traits into the back of their RRJ and we discussed the unfamiliar ones.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 14 and write 12 of their word work words in print and then in cursive.

Panthers: Independently the students reread chapter 8 and described the change in Grandpa from the beginning to the end of the book, in their RRJ.  They were told to state what he was like at the beginning of the book and explain why and then do the same at for the end of the story.  Additionally, the children completed a speed sort for their word work words.  In group we reviewed their word work sorts.  Then, Ms. Snyder came in to do a guidance lesson...I had forgotten about this lesson!  OOPS!  SO, we quickly had to clean up. For HOMEWORK the students need to reread chapter 8 and write their word work words using one color for vowels and another color for consonants.

The day ended with a guidance lesson by Ms. Snyder.  She reviewed the concept of a reputation and then had the students create their own reputations pizza...showing the kid of reputation they want to develop!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Marvelous Monday

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we changed classroom jobs, and then began math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led instruction some we practiced measuring to the nearest quarter inch, representing and interpreting data on a line plot, and locating and labeling thirds on a number line.

During math with a partner the children rolled a die to determine the numerator of a fraction.  The denominator remained three throughout the activity.  Then the students wrote their fraction, drew a representation, and located and labeled it on a number line.  Students were expected to engage in math discourse with their partner.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a tutorial about reading a ruler and then practiced doing so playing an online game called, The Ruler Game.  Both links are located on the third grade web site.

For HOMEWORK there is a lesson and game linked to Google Classroom.  We will have a quiz on Thursday this week but writing journal entries will still be due on Friday.  :-)

After math we took a Benco brain break and then moved on to our literacy block.

We began literacy block with an introduction of the WEE Deliver program being coordinated by Mrs. Prange, a second grade teacher.  It is an in-house mail delivery system.  Students can write letters to anyone within the Wims ES community and have it delivered.  It's a fun way to practice writing skills in a meaningful way.

Next we reviewed today's independent literacy tasks.  First, all groups will complete a guided reading independent assignment.  Next, all groups will cut apart, and put their initials on the back of, their new word work cards.  Then students will watch a Discovery Education lesson and a Magic School Bus video about friction.  They will then define fraction and describe two examples of friction producing heat, in their science journal.  After that they will practice writing the letters H, K, and X, in cursive.  Finally, they will practice reading, keyboarding or letter writing as part of free choice.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students began their indepdent work while I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  The students cut apart and put their initials on the back of their new word work cards.  Then we sorted the long and short /o/ words.  The children have a glued a chart, of the words sorted, in their planner, to use as a reference.  Next we discussed visualizing as we read to increase comprehension.  I explained that it is a good strategy to stop at the end of each page and play a movie in their minds.  If they can't do that, they should reread the page.  We then read pages 34-36 and practiced using visualization.  For HOMEWORK the students need to resort their NEW word work cards and do a header wort in their word work journal.  They also need to reread pages 34-36, stopping at the bottom of each page to play a movie in their minds of what they just read.

Leopards:  First the students reread chapter X and, in their RRJ, identified a character trait for Amanda and used 2 ideas from the text to support their thinking.  Then they cut apart and put their initials on the back of their new word work cards.  In group, we sorted, discussed and defined their new word work words.  We also glued a chart showing their words sorted, into their planner, to be used as a resource.  Next, we discussed character traits for Amanda and evidence, from the text, that supported it. Finally, we retold the events of chapter X.  For HOMEWORK the students need to do a header sort with their new word work words and read chapter XI.

Lions:  First the students reread chapter 12 and explained, in their RRJ, why they were worried about the snow holding.  Then they cut apart and put their initials on the back of their word work cards.  In group we began by sorting their words and reading them...but we didn't define them since the children will be working on that this week.  We also glued a word sort chart in their planner to be used as a resource.  Then we discussed the problem in this chapter...whether or not the snow would hold, and why this is such a worry.  For HOMEWORK  the children need to do a header sort with their new word work words and read chapter 13.

Panthers:  Independently the students read chapter 8 and listed unknown words on a sticky note.  They also cut apart and put their initials on the back of their new word work cards.  In group we practiced reading and sorting their new word work words.  Also, the students glued a chart of their words sorted, in to their planner, to be used as a reference.  Next we reviewed the events of chapter 8 and defined unknown words.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread chapter 8 and do a header sort, in their word work journal, using their new word work words.

The children ended their day in music with Ms. Guerra.

Friday, February 6, 2015


This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we had our math block.  As noted in yesterday's email, our block consisted of students completing the MAP-M assessment or working on a task for the 4/5 compacted math assessment portfolio.  Students not involved in these activities had time to catch up on Learn Zillion lessons or practice math skills using sites linked to the third grade web site math page.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

Following recess I reviewed today's independent work assignments and then the children worked on them while I met with guided reading groups.

Today all group completed a written comprehension assignment in their RRJ.  Then they practiced their word work words with an activity of their own choosing.  Next they finished up tasks from the past week.  These included reading realistic fiction picture books and taking notes on character's actions, theme, page layout, and illustrations.  They also practiced writing M, N, and W in cursive.  Additionally, they read biographies on Pebble Go, and selected 3 Black Americans they would like to use to create a "Facebook" page.  Finally, they watched a Brain Pop Jr. lesson about reading maps and completed a 3-2-1 note taking sheet.

Tigers:  We reviewed the header sorts from last night's homework.  Then we revisited pages 28-32 in their book and discussed how Kate crossed the bridge and her reason for doing so in that manner.  Finally, I gave them a mini spelling test.  We will begin a new word study unit on Monday.

Leopards:  The children received a chart of common character traits.  Then they reread chapter IX and, in their RRJ, identified a character trait for Dr. Crider and used ideas from the text to explain their thinking.  In group we reviewed the list of character traits and I explained those that were new to the students.  Then some of the children shared their RRJ entries identifying a character trait for Dr. Crider.  As they did we discussed their responses pointing our strengths and weaknesses.  Finally, I gave them a mini spelling test on their word work words.  We will begin a new word work unit on Monday.  One more thing--the students emptied out their word work baggies and removed the classwork schedule from their journals.  They replaced it with a list of different options for word work.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 11 and, in their RRJ, they wrote about the change in mood from the beginning to the end of this chapter, using details from the book to support their answer.  In group we began by emptying out their word work baggies and removing the classwork/homework schedule from their journal and replacing it with a list of practice activities.  After that, we discussed the change in mood in chapter 11.  Finally, the students took a mini spelling/vocabulary test.  I gave them clues and they had to write the correct word work word and spell it correctly.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 7 and explained why Grandpa spoke sternly to Anna, Mrs. Beaver, and Mrs. Sweeney.  In group we began by emptying out their word work baggies and removing the classwork/homework schedule from their journal and replacing it with a list of practice activities.  Next we discussed why Grandpa had spoken sternly to the women.  Finally, I gave the students a mini spelling test.  We will begin a new word work unit on Monday.

After our literacy block we shared writing homework journals.

We ended the day with a class meeting.  First, during the group share, each person had a chance to share how they were feeling.  Answers ranged from, "hungry" to "frustrated because people were laughing while I tried to do my work and it distracted me."  It was actually very insightful!  After that we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  Finally, we brainstormed what should be done when students misbehave.

I can honestly say that I enjoy EVERY student in this class...they are own special in unique ways.  Unfortunately, the poor behavior choices are increasing weekly.  I try to encourage choice and freedoms during learning but some students are making that a challenge.  So, I had the class share how they would handle the behavior challenges if they were the teacher.  We listed their ideas on a flip chart which we will review at next week's class meeting.  Ideas ranged from student calling home to sending students to the principal's office or sending home more reflection sheets.  The list was long!  Let's hope I don't have to use them!

Please return the Mad Science permission slip and $6 as soon as you can.
Remember, our Valentine's Day party is next Friday, February 13, from 1-2.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Thrilling Thursday

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, the students too the winter MAP-M assessment.  This is the self-adjusting, computerized math assessment that they take three times a year, in the fall, winter and spring.  The scores are not on the students' report cards and they do not impact grade placement for next year.  No entire class will move on to fourth grade in the fall!  :-)

The test is important though.  It helps me gauge student growth. I can see each child's strengths and weaknesses.  Therefore, I use the data to drive my planning and instruction.

The assessment took all morning.  Some students will need to finish it tomorrow.

So, after the testing session, the children enjoyed lunch and indoor recess.

After recess we reviewed today's independent work.  Students will begin with a guided reading task and a word work activity.  Then they will continue reading realistic fiction picture books and taking notes regarding the characters actions, illustrations, page layout, and theme.  After that, they will practice writing M, N, and W in cursive.  Next they will revisit the biographies on Go Pebble about famous Black Americans and select their top three choices for whom they would like to create a "facebook" page.  After that, they will watch a Brain Pop Jr. lesson about reading maps and complete a 3-2-1 note taking sheet.  If there is time leftover, students will practice reading to themselves, with a partner, using the Internet, or they will practice keyboarding skills.

As the students work independently, I will meet with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We reviewed last night's word work homework and then practiced doing Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check with some of their words.  They will complete this, on their own, after group.  Then we used their list of unknown words, from last night's homework, to practice using in order to write a definition matching the way the word was used in the text.  After doing one together, the children completed 2 on their own.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 28-32 and practice their word work words by doing either a speed sort or a header sort.

Leopards:  Independently the children reread chapter 8 and, in their RRJ, explained why the author named it, "A Piece of Luck".  They also did a buddy check, with a partner, using their word work words.  In group we discussed what was lucky (running into Dr. Crider) and why it was lucky (he provided something to eat and beds to sleep in).  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter XI (pages 45-48) and do a mean check with 5 more of their word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapter 10 and then, in their RRJ, named and explained the change at the end of the chapter.  They also did a buddy check, with a partner, using their word work words.  In group we reviewed last night's meaning check and discussed the surprise at the end of chapter 10 and how we think Uncle Victor will react to it.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 11 and use 5 more words, from their word work, in a meaning check.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 6 and, in their RRJ, explained why Mrs. Sweeney suggested to Anna that they pretend like they are playing Simon Says.  They also did a buddy check, using their word work words, with a partner.  In group we reviewed last night's header sort.  Then we discussed why Mrs. Sweeney suggested that they pretend like they are playing a game of Simon Says. Then we talked about how they would feel if they had to climb down the ladder, like Anna did in the story.  For HOMEWORK  the children need to read chapter 7 and do Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check with their word work words.

The students ended their day in art!

There is NO math homework tonight, due to MAP-M testing.  Writing homework journal entries are due tomorrow, though.  There will not be a math quiz tomorrow but we will finish the MAP-M.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills, we began our math rotations.  I was at an in-house meeting, so the small group instruction was led by Mrs. Thompson, an instructional assistant, using plans I left.

The small group instruction had all groups using a ruler to measure to the nearest quarter inch.  Some groups moved on to representing the data using a line plot.

During math with a partner, the students selected various items in the classroom, and practiced using a ruler to measure it to the nearest quarter inch.  This information was recorded on a t-chart in their math journal.  Of course, math discourse was essential.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a Learn Zillion lesson about representing and interpreting measurement data on a line plot.  Then they practiced interpreting line plots using an Internet based game linked to the third grade web site.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment on Google Classroom, homework page.

When I returned to the classroom it was time for lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, we took some time to discuss Black History Month and I introduced a project we will do in class.  Over the next couple of weeks the students will be using the online resource, Pebble Go, to research famous African Americans.  Then they will create a mock "Facebook Page" to represent their knew knowledge.  I am hoping to bind these into a class book.

Next, I introduced today's independent assignments.  Each reading group completed an indepdent guided reading group activity and a word work task.  After that, will read through realistic fiction picture books and take notes regarding character's actions, page layout, theme, and illustrations.  Then the children practiced writing the letters N, M, and W in cursive.  Next, the students visited Pebble Go and read through some of the biographies of African Americans.  Finally, the students watched a Brain Pop Jr. lesson about reading maps and completed a 3-2-1 note page to identify and remember important information.

While the students worked on their assignments, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  First we reviewed last night's sentences.  Then I introduced how to complete a blind sort and we practiced it using 10 of our word work words.  After that, we reviewed the idea of an unknown word (words we do not know how to pronounce or what they mean) and resources we can use to help us (  Then we identified an unknown word and practiced using and our guided reading book to find a definition that fit the way the word was used in the book.  For HOMEWORK the students need to complete a header sort with their word work words and read pages 28-32, in their guided reading book, and list unknown words on the sticky note I provided.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 6 and identified 2 unknown words.  Then they used to locate the meaning of these words and write the word and the definition in their RRJ.  After that they used 5 more of their word work words in sentences.  In group we began by reviewing their sentences from last night and today.  We had to spend time discussing the importance of a title and date on each new assignment.  Then we had to review the expectations of completing assignments in their word work journals.  After that we reviewed their unknowns words and definitions.  The students are still using the unknown word in their definitions.  So, I showed the students how to click on words, in, to get other meanings.  We also reviewed how to go back to the text to be sure the definition matches the way the word was used in the book.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread chapter 6 (yes, again) and complete a header sort in their word work journal (yes, again, but they are still misspelling some of these words).

Leopards:  Independently the students read chapter 7 and identified 2 unknown words.  Then they identified the meaning of these words using an online resource and wrote it in their RRJ.  They also completed "Give Me a Clue" for 10 more of their word work words.  In group we began by sharing some of their clues for their word work words. Then we retold chapter VII.  We focused on what was worrying Amanda and then who they ran into at the end of the chapter.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter VIII and then choose 5 of their word work words to do a meaning check (look up and write the definition).

Lions:  Independently the students reread chapters 8 and 9 and identified two unknown words.  Then they located the meaning of the words, as used in the text, using an online resource.  They also created clues for 10 more of their word work words.  In group we retold the events in chapters 8 and 9.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 10 and list unknown words.  They also need to choose 5 word work words and do a meaning check (identify the definition) for each.

The students ended their day in PE.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Terrific Tuesday

Th,is morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center or practicing keyboarding skills we jumped right into math rotations.

During the small group, teacher led instruction most groups practiced using a ruler to measure to the half and quarter inch.  One group reviewed writing mixed numbers and locating and labeling them on a number line.

During math with a partner the students used dice to identify a fraction.  Then they drew a number line, in their math journal, and located and labeled the fraction on it.  Today, though, the first number they rolled was the numerator and the second became the denominator.  So, students worked with both common and improper fractions.  Of course, math discourse was expected!

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students continued watching the Learn Zillion lesson strand about generating and displaying measurement data.  Some students watched lessons about measuring to the nearest quarter inch.  Others watched lessons about showing data using a line plot.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment in Google Classroom, homework page.  Students will be measuring to the quarter inch.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break.

Then we reviewed today's independent work assignments.  All group have an independent guided reading activity.  They also had a word work activity to complete.  After that the students continued reading realistic fiction picture books and taking notes regarding character's actions, page layout, and illustrations, in preparation for this marking period's inquiry project.  After that the students practiced writing I and J in cursive.  If there was time left over the children practiced reading by themselves, with a partner, or via the Internet.

While the students worked on these tasks, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  Students began by completed a quick sound sort using their word work cards.  Next the students whisper read pages 23-27 and identified the effects of Kate hearing someone calling, and Kate raising the lamp to see over the bridge.  Independently the students used 5 or their word work words in sentences.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 23-27, working on fluency, and choose 5 more word work words to use in sentences.

Following lunch and indoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more guided reading groups.

Panthers:  Independently the students reread chapter 5, identified 1-2 unknown words and an online dictionary to identify the correct meaning of their word(s).  Additionally, they chose 5 more of their word work words to use in sentences.  In group we began by reviewing the children's unknown words and definitions.  This included a mini lesson about not using the unknown word you are defining as part of your definition.  Then I looked over the student's word work sentences from last night and today.  After that we revisited chapter 5 to identify and describe character's actions in response to events in the story.  I also did an informal reading assessment on a few students to check on their growth.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 6 and list unknown words on a sticky note.  They also need to use 5 more of their word work words in sentences.

Leopards:  Independently the children reread chapter VI and identified 1-2 unknown words.  Then they used to identify the correct meaning of the word(s) as used in their text.  Additionally, the used 10 of their word work words in the "Give me a Clue" activity.  In group, I looked over their syllable sorts and the students shared one of their "Give me a Clue" examples.  Then I reviewed the definitions they wrote for the unknown words in their reading.  During this time we discussed the need to write the whole meaning, not just the first word or two.  Next we discussed how events in a story influence the actions of a character.  We then identified how Amanda reacted to Ellie's news that Miss Trippett wants to keep the kids in London and Randolph's reaction to his mother fainting.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter VII and list unknown words on a sticky note.  They also need to do crazy links which is activity number 6 on their chart.

Lions:  Independently the children reread chapter 7 and used an online resource to identify the meaning of 2 words.  Then they used 10 of their words in the "Give me a Clue" word work activity.  In group I reviewed their syllable sort from last night and the children shared some of their "Give me a Clue" examples.  After that I looked over their unknown word definitions. This led to a mini lesson about not using the unknown word as part of the definition.  Next we discussed the impact of characters actions on the events in a story and I related it to a set of push the first one and it makes the next one fall, and so on....  We then identified the reactions of characters to events in this chapter.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapters 8 and 9 and list unknown words on a sticky note.  They also need to use 10 or their word work words in Crazy Links, #6 on the word work chart.

We ended the day with a social studies lesson.  We identified and described many of the elements required on a map, including borders, a title, symbols, a key or legend, and a compass rose.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Marvelous Monday

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we changed classroom jobs and then began our math rotations.

During our small group, teacher-led instruction, we began using rulers to measure  length to the nearest quarter and half inch.  Today we focused on the similarities between a number line and a ruler.

During math with a partner, the students rolled dice to create a fraction by placing the smaller number rolled as the numerator and larger as the denominator.  Then they drew a number line and located and labeled the fraction on it.  Math discourse was the expectation, of course!

Finally, during the technology rotation, the children watch 2 Learn Zillion lessons about using a ruler to measure to the nearest quarter inch.  Students took notes in their math journals.

For HOMEWORK there is a Kahn academy lesson and practice game linked to Google Classroom, homework page.

After math we were treated to a special presentation about the heating and cooling system at Wims ES.  The architectural and engineering team explained how our building is heated and cooled and gave us a behind the scenes look at some of the mechanical rooms.  It was a great learning experience.  However, it did shorten our math block today.

Following lunch and indoor recess, the students worked independently while I met with guided reading groups.

Today students will complete independent guided reading group activities.  Then they will do a work work activity.  Next, they will peruse realistic fiction books and take notes, on a capture sheet, regarding characters actions, page layout and illustrations.  This is in preparation for the quarter 3 inquiry project which is writing and illustrating a realistic fiction picture book.  After that they will practice writing I and J in cursive.  If there is time left over, they will practice reading by themselves, with a partner, or via the Internet.

Tigers:  We began group by reviewing the main character, setting and conflict in our book.  Then we set the purpose of finding out what Kate does to solve the problem as we continue reading the story.  After the students whisper read pages 20-22 we retold what happened.  Finally we identified brave as a character trait describing Kate and searched the text for words or phrases used by the author to prove this.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 20-22 and choose 5 of their word work words to use in sentences - one word per sentence.  In class they chose 10 more of their word work words to illustrate in their word work journals.

Panthers:  Independently the children reread chapter 4 and identified 2 unknown words on a sticky note.  In group we reviewed these words to make sure they weren't proper nouns. Then we retold chapter 4.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 5 and list unknown words.  Additionally, they need to write sentences using 5 of their word work words.  IN class they chose 10 more of their word work words to illustrate in their journal.

Leopards:  Independently the students were supposed to read chapter VI and list unknown words on a sticky note.    Additionally,  they chose 10 more words to use in sentences in their work work journal.  In group I attempted to lead a discussion about what events were caused by Amanda's actions in this chapter.  As conversation stalled repeatedly, it came to light that the entire group had not carefully read the chapter.  So, instead we had a conversation about the expectation that students read no more than a page at a time before stopping to review what they had read (play a movie in your head).  If they can't recall what happened they must go back and reread.  I applaud the honesty of the group but was a bit frustrated by the lack of responsibility.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread (or read) chapter VI and list unknown words on a sticky note.  Additionally, they need to complete a syllable sort using their word work words.

Lions:  Independently the students read chapter 6 and listed unknown words.  Additionally, they used ten of their word work words in sentences.  In group we retold the chapter and discussed the importance of monitoring their reading to ensure comprehension.  We discussed the need to stop along the way and play a movie in their head.  If they can't, they need to go back and reread.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 7 and do a syllable sort with their word work words.

The students ended their day in music with Ms. Guerra.

A side note...unfortunately, today I had to do something I have never had to do before...give the students assigned seats on the carpet.  This was necessary due to the continued silly and irresponsible behaviors that detract from instructional time.

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