Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - Walk to SChool Day

This morning the staff met students outside to join them in their walk to school.

Once we got inside I met with several individuals to practice subtraction within 1,000, and identifying affixes, and their meanings, in words.

Then, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.

Today students began with an independent guided reading group task focusing on cause and effect.  After that, the chose 10 of their word work words to write and draw.  Next they continued identifying facts, details, and definitions, from research, to answer their questions about their inquiry topic.  After that, the students watched a Discovery Education video about government and answered questions on a capture sheet.  Finally, the chose between practicing reading, practicing keyboarding, exchanging books in the media center, or completing unfinished tasks.

Just a note:  Students are expected to be able to read for 30-40 minutes uninterrupted by the end of the year.  I will be expecting students to build reading stamina in class during independent work time.

As the children worked, I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  The students reread pages 2-13 and then, on a sticky note, identified the main idea of page 13.  Next we reviewed the vowels and their 2 sounds, as well as, common and proper nouns.  Then we discussed how to identify the main idea of text using the heading and each students shared their main idea statement.  After that we read pages 14 and 15 and identified an example of cause and effect.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 2-15.

Pink:  Independently the students reread pages 2-5 and attempted to identify an example of cause and effect on a sticky note.  Once in group the children read pages 2-6 and identified the main idea, from page 6, on a sticky note.  Then we reviewed how to determine the main idea using the heading and shared their main idea statements.  After that, we reviewed cause and effect and shared their examples.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread pages 2-6.

Green:  Independently the students reread pages 6-8 and identified an example of cause and effect on a sticky note.  In group the students reread pages 6-8 and identified the main idea on a sticky note.  Then we discussed the importance of using the heading to help identify the main idea.  After writing a main idea statement together, we practiced finding relevant details in the text.  Finally we shared their examples of cause and effect, from the text.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 2-8.

Blue:  Independently the children read pages 10-15 and identified an example of cause and effect, from that section, on a sticky note.  In group they reread these pages and wrote a main idea statement.  Then we shared main idea statements and I modeled, by thinking out loud, how I came up with my main idea statement.  Finally, we reviewed cause and effect and shared their examples from the text.  For HOMEWORK students need to read pages 16-19.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess followed by lunch.

When we returned to class we changed classroom jobs (finally) and began our math block.  During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we practiced finding the difference between 3 digit numbers, within 1,000.  During math with a partner, the students used our classroom word splash to engage in math discourse as they played Four in a Row, a math game working on basic subtraction fact fluency.  Finally, during the technology rotation the students revisited Tic Tac Toe at to practice solving 3 digit subtraction problems within 1,000.

Group 1:  We practiced subtracting across zeroes and then the students completed an exit card with one problem on it so I could assess my instruction.

Group 2:  We began group with an "exit card" where students solved a subtraction problem, across zeroes, and checked it using addition.  Then, after reviewing the exit card problem, I presented them with the equation, 703-266 = 563, and asked them is this was correct, why or why not?

Group 3: We began group with an "exit card" where students solved a subtraction problem, across zeroes, and checked it using addition.  Then, after reviewing the exit card problem, I presented them with the equation, 703-264 = 541, and asked them is this was correct, why or why not?

There is a Khan Academy lesson to watch linked to the homework page on Google Classroom.

After math we reviewed what we know about gravity (it's a force that pulls objects towards the center of the earth).  Then the students worked collaboratively in groups to predicate how gravity will affect the motion of 4 objects (rubber ball, cube, index card, and feather).  Tomorrow they will test and observe what actually happens.

Finally, the students ended their day inn music with Mrs. Graf.

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