Thursday, October 1, 2015

Thriving Thursday

This morning, prior to the announcements, I worked with students who needed practiced with addition of 3 digit numbers within 1,000.

After the announcements, we began our literacy block.

Today students worked on identifying the main idea of a section of text in their guided reading book.  Then they finished publishing their common good personal narrative using Google Docs.  After that they used the meaning of common suffixes and/or prefixes to identify the meaning of words from their guided reading books.  Next, the orange and pink  groups practiced writing their word work words twice, while the other two groups did a meaning check for 10 more of their word work words.  Finally, the students continued researching their inquiry topic to locate facts, details, and definitions that answered the questions they identified in their Google Slides organizer.

While the students worked I met with reading groups.

Orange:  I was at a meeting, in the building.  SO, with the para-educator, the students reviewed prefixes and suffixes.  Then they whisper read up to page 6.  After that, they reviewed how to identify the main idea in text.  Finally they read pages 6 and 7 and wrote a main idea statement for that section.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread pages 2-7.

Pink:  Independently the students read pages 6 and 7 and identified the main idea, in writing, in their RRJ.  In group we began by reviewing common and proper nouns, as well as, how the meaning of a root word can be changed by adding a prefix and/or suffix.  Next we reviewed how to identify the main idea in text and the students shared their statements.  Then we drew a line of learning and wrote one together.  After that we identified relevant details that supported our main idea.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 8-11 and list 2 ways to make cleaner electricity, o the sticky note I provided.

Green:  Independently the students reread the chapter, "A Letter" and wrote a main idea statement, for the chapter, in their RRJ.  In group we reviewed common and proper nouns and the strategies to identify the main idea of text.  After that the students asked, and answered, the questions they wrote for homework last night.  Then we shared their main idea statements.  Then we drew a line of learning and wrote a model, main idea statement, together.  Then we identified relevant details from the text.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read "The Package and write one question, on a sticky note, to ask their group mates.

Blue:  Independently the students reread chapter 9 and wrote a main idea statement in their RRJ.  Due to my meeting, I was unable to meet with this group today.  I will certainly get to them tomorrow.  For HOMEWORK they should read chapter 10.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed indoor recess and lunch.

When we returned to class we began our math block.   During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we practiced using strategies to solve 3 digit subtraction problems requiring the decomposition of both a hundred and a ten.  During math with a partner the children worked towards fluency with the basic subtraction facts as they played Subtraction Bump.  Of course, they were expected to use our word splash and engage in math discourse.  Finally, during the technology rotation,

Group 1:  We began with a math talk solving 7+3, then 7+5+3, and finally, 7+6+3.  Then we practiced solving subtraction problems, requiring decomposing both a hundred and a ten, using number lines.  Then we solved the same problems using just the algorithm.

After our first rotation, the students went to art with Mrs. Daniell.

Group 2:  We began with a math talk solving 7+3, then 7+5+3, and finally, 7+6+3.  Then we practiced solving subtraction problems, requiring decomposing both a hundred and a ten, using number lines.  Then we solved the same problems using just the algorithm.

Group 3:  We began with a math talk solving 7+3, then 7+5+3, and finally, 7+6+3.  Then we practiced solving subtraction problems, requiring decomposing both a hundred and a ten, using number lines.  Then we solved the same problems using just the algorithm.

Unfortunately we ran out of goal next week is to transition smoothly, so we don't waste time, and get to our science and social studies instruction!

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