Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday - Bus Evacuation

This morning, before the announcements, I worked with two groups of students.  One group practiced drawing a picture and writing an equation for a multiplication situation.  The other group watched the Discovery Education lesson about government and answered questions on the capture sheet.

After the announcements, we began our literacy block. As I reviewed their independent tasks, I did a mini-lesson about goods and services provided by businesses and the government.

Today the students began by using their notes and my screencast to complete the organizer for the opinion paragraph of the inquiry project.  After that the completed the text features scavenger hunt.  Next they practiced their word work words, either by writing them three times each (orange and pink) or doing a meaning check for the rest of their words (green and blue).  Then students practiced writing r and s in cursive, if the haven't done so yet.  Finally, the students used resources provided online, through Google Classroom, to create a Google Slide presentation identifying 5 examples of goods and services provided by businesses and the government.

AS the children worked, I met with guided reading groups.

However, we did stop for a bus evacuation drill from 10:15-10:45.

Orange:  Together we practiced identifying the main idea of a paragraph by looking at the first and last sentence and determining what the text was mostly about.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read page 12 in Healthy Eating, and looking at the first and last sentences on that page, identify the main idea on the sticky note I provided.

Pink:  We began by reviewing their lists of unknown words from homework two nights ago.  Then we used an online dictionary to determine the meaning of the word "mines" as used on page 4.  After that, we practiced identifying the main idea of a paragraph by looking at the first and last sentence and determining what the text was mostly about.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read page 9 in Monster Machines, and looking at the first and last sentences on that page, identify the main idea on the sticky note I provided.

Green:  We practiced identifying the main idea of a paragraph by looking at the first and last sentence and determining what the text was mostly about.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read page 14 in Energy fro Heat, and looking at the first and last sentences on that page, identify the main idea on the sticky note I provided.

The students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch after I met with the green group.

When we returned to class, most students continued working on their independent literacy tasks while I met with my last guided reading group.

Blue:  We reviewed their lists of unknown words from pages 4-15.  We also discussed using the glossary to identify the meaning of bold print words in the text.  After that, we practice identifying the main idea of a paragraph by looking at the first and last sentence and determining what the text was mostly about.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread page 12 and identify the main idea on the stticky note I provided.

After I met with the blue group, we began our math block.

During the small group, teacher-led, instruction we focused on drawing pictures and writing equations that represent and solve multiplication situations (number of sides on 6 triangles, number of days in 3 weeks, etc.).  During math with a partner, the students used pictures of Halloween symbols to create arrays and then write an equation that matches it.  Finally, during the technology rotation the students used That's a Fact to begin memorizing the basic multiplication facts up to 5.

For HOMEWORK the children should write an equation to solve the problem on Google classroom AND explain what each of the numbers in their equation represents.

After math we viewed some videos of actual third graders and the Rube Goldberg machines they created.  Tomorrow the students will meet with their groups to begin designing one.

Finally, the children ended their day in music with Mrs. Graf.

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