Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Terrific Tuesday--Week 2 Begins!

I was so excited to see everyone this morning!!!

After reading quietly or practicing keyboarding skills, we reviewed our morning routine, the behavior expectations, and our TASS skills for this marking period.  Then we began our reading block.

First, we defined the word infer, using dictionary.com.  Then we identified how we use our background knowledge and illustrations to "read" a wordless picture book using inference skills.  After that, I reviewed and modeled today's independent work tasks for our literacy block.

The students will begin by "reading" the wordless picture book, Free Fall, by David Weisner, with a partner.  They will discuss how the character's actions influence the events in the story.  Next they will watch two Learn Zillion lessons about understanding a narrative prompt and brainstorming a list of narrative writing topics.  Students were told they might need to watch the lessons more than once and/or pause and rewind certain section to ensure comprehension.  This is one way to personalize the instruction.  Once they feel they are ready, they will brainstorm a list of narrative writing topics in their own writing journal.  After that, they will practice writing the letters u, w, and e, in cursive.  Finally, they will have free choice to read silently by themselves, read with a partner, listen to reading, practice keyboarding, or visit the media center.

Before working independently we too a Go Noodle brain break.  AS the children worked, I continued my informal reading assessments.

Prior to enjoying recess and lunch, we debriefed from our literacy block.

Once we returned to the classroom from lunch, we discussed what to do when the students get work back that has feedback from me.  We talked about noticing what they did correctly, what they need to work on, and to ask me if they don't understand the feedback.

After that we reviewed how math rotations work and I introduced and modeled today's activities.

While working with me, some groups will review place value and expanded form.  All groups will work on rounding 3 digit numbers to the nearest 100.

During guided practice the children will finish cutting apart their digit cards and then use them to create 2- and 3- digit numbers and identify those as being odd or even, in their math journal.

Finally, during the technology rotation the students will watch a Learn Zillion lesson about patterns in an addition table.  As they watched the lesson, they took notes, on each section, in their math journal.

Group 1:  We reviewed place value and practiced writing 3 digit numbers in expanded form (ex. 365= 300+60+5).  then we worked on identifying benchmark numbers to round a three digit number to the nearest 100.

Group 2:  We quickly reviewed place value and expanded form.  Then we practiced identifying benchmark numbers and using them to round 3 digit numbers to the nearest 100.

Group 3:  As a warm up the children wrote a three digit number in expanded form and rounded a 3 digit number to the nearest 100.  Then they shared their strategy with the group.  Their responses were all over the place...some on target, others not.  So, I stopped and shared my strategy for identifying benchmark numbers and deciding whether to round up or down with them.  Then we practiced it.

After our math block, we took a Go Noodle brain break and then reviewed homework.

I sent an email explaining homework to parents.

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