Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Terrific Tuesday - Report Card Day!!

This morning after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we reviewed last night's word problem and then began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led math instruction, we continued solving multi-step word problems focusing on the knowns and unknowns and identifying what the question was asking.

During math with a partner the students played multiplication war focusing on memorizing the basic facts with an emphasis on fluency and speed.

Finally, during technology the students had a choice...they could solve word problems and then watch videos modeling how to solve them, using the same web site as yesterday, or they could visit Math Hoops and solve mutli step word problems.  Either way, the children practiced solving word problems involving all operations.

For HOMEWORK there is an assignment posted on Google Classroom.  There is a writing journal entry due Friday and students will identify equations needed to solve word problems using a link posted to the assignment.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we began our literacy block.

First, we discussed the concept of persistence, motivation, and effort.  Then I explained that they will be using these traits when they compare the main characters from The Fisherman and the Turtle and Jack and the Giant Barbecue...something I had failed to mention yesterday...OOPS!

During independent work time the students will begin with a guided reading task.  Then they will rewatch both the Jack and the Giant Barbecue and The Fisherman and the Turtle videos and complete a matrix providing examples of persistence, motivation, and efforts, from both tales.  After that the children will complete a word work assignment.  Finally, they will watch a video about Opportunity Cost, for social studies, and define the concept and provide an example in their social studies journals.

Panthers:  We met and reviewed the unknown words the students had circled for homework last night.  The I gave a brief overview of the story.  After that we discussed how visualizing what we read can increase our comprehension.  Then, we read a section of the text, stopping at the end of page 6, to visualize what we read.  For HOMEWORK the students are expected to reread their story and stopping at the end of each page to visualize what they read.

Following lunch and indoor recess we took a break to visit the media center where Mrs. Allaire taught a lesson about note taking.  The students began reading about both sides of their issues and taking notes using facts, details, and definitions.

When we returned to class the students continued with their independent work and I met with ore small groups.

Tigers:  The children received new books called, How Zebras Got Their Stripes, and they previewed the title and front cover to predict what this tale will be about.  In group we reviewed and revised their predictions.  Then we went over vocabulary specific to the book.  Finally, the children read up to page 9 and predicted what will happen next.  For HOMEWORK the children will reread up to page 9 and write a prediction, on the sticky note, of what will happen next.

Leopards:  The children read pages 9-15, highlighting tricky words and noting places they visualized what they were reading.  In group we reviewed the tricky words and then revisited the book sharing the visualizations the students made.  Finally, we discussed how visualization can help us continue to be good readers.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread their book.

Lions:  Independently the students read the first two chapters of the book and wrote a summary in their RRJ.  In group we began by sharing the questions they wrote for homework last night, after reading the prologue.  Then some students shared the summaries they wrote and we discussed whether or not we would want to be on a ship captained by Odysseus.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 11-13.

F&P:  Today we focused on writing about reading.  The students used the places they marked in the Ben Carson book yesterday to write about 2 important decision he made and explain why each was important to his success.  As they wrote I leaned in and helped them write clearly using details to elaborate their thinking.

We ended the day by testing our Keep-a-Cube to see how well they kept an ice cube from melting.

ALL students are coming home with many flyers this evening.  PLEASE look them over!!

Report cards are coming home...SIGN the envelope and return the EMPTY, SIGNED envelope to school tomorrow.  Keep everything inside the envelope, including the report card, at home!!

Another item of interest...a fundraiser, featuring YOUR child's art work, is coming home tonight...look for it!!!

There is also information about summer school and other activities coming home tonight,

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