Thursday, April 23, 2015

Take Your Child to Work - Thursday

Crazy day today!!  We only had NINE students in class today!!

We took advantage of the reduced class size to work on various skills!!

In math we split into two groups...boys versus girls.  The children rotated between working with me, in small group, and working with partners to build multiplication fluency.

When working with me, we completed a warm up with problems similar to those on tomorrow's math quiz.  Then we used our addition and multiplication skills to solve some number puzzles.

Students not working with me chose between the Internet number puzzle, Ken Ken, a Clip and Cover game, or Multiplication War.

We WILL have a math quiz tomorrow and there is a writing homework journal entry due then, too.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break.

Next we began our literacy block.  However, due to the number of students who are absent, we made a few changes to the independent work assignments.

So, today students focused on completing the introduction paragraph for the issues inquiry project and the habitat Google Slide presentation.  Then they read various Black-Eyed Susan nominee books and ranked them on the capture sheet.

As the students worked, I met with guided reading groups.

Panthers:  We reviewed unknown and tricky words that the children identified for homework last night.  Then we discussed the difference between retelling and summarizing a story. After that I modeled writing a summary for pages 3-8.

After enjoying lunch and outdoor recess, the students continued working on their independent tasks and I met with more small groups.

Tigers:  We reviewed the difference between retelling a story and summarizing it.  Then the students reread Jack's Tale and marked events, with a post it note, that they felt needed to be part of a summary.  Then we began writing a summary together.  We will finish our summary tomorrow in group.

Leopards:  Today, in group, we wrote a summary of White Wave, together.  The students copied it into their RRJ.  We discussed why certain events were included or left out of the summary.

Lions:  Today the students read a model summary of White Wave and we discussed what they noticed.  What had I included that they didn't and vice versa.  Then the children copied it into their RRJ to use as a resource.

After our literacy block we read a few Black-Eyed Susan nominees out loud.  The the students ended their day in art with Mrs. Daniell.

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