Friday, April 24, 2015

Fabulous Friday

It's so nice to have a full class today!!!

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, the students took their math quiz.  These have been scored and will come home this evening in your child's home folder.  The students did quite well!  :-)

After math we did a Go Noodle brain break and then began our literacy block a bit early!!

We began literacy block with me modeling how to create a new Google doc and type in the issues introduction paragraph using the expected format.  Then I reviewed how to access a link in Google Classroom, the literacy page, to vote for the Black-Eyed Susan book of the children's choice.

Today, during independent work time, the children will complete an independent guided reading group assignment.  Then they will revise and type their issue inquiry introduction paragraph onto a Google doc.  Next they will complete a word work activity, finish their habitat Google Slides presentation, and practice the letters G, S, and L, in cursive.  Finally, the children will read more Black-Eye Susan nominees and vote for their favorite book.

While the children work independently, I will meet with small groups.

Panthers:  The children reread their book and then we reviewed the tricky or unknown words they identified for homework Wednesday night.  We concentrated on identifying known parts of words to decode them.  Next we discussed the difference between retelling and summarizing a story.  Finally, together, we wrote a summary, for the first half of the story, in their RRJ.

Following lunch and outdoor recess, the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Tigers:  The students were supposed to reread their book and, in their RRJ, explain how the giant broke his leg and the impact this had on the end of the story.  When they came to group, they had not completed the activity.  So, I sat with them and provided support, guiding the students to answer both parts of the question and rereading the text to determine the correct answers.

Leopards:  Independently the students watched a video lesson, using popular songs, to learn about metaphors (and similes, too).  In group we discussed what a metaphor is and shared some from the video lesson, discussing what information we gained fro the metaphor itself.  Finally, we discussed the metaphor, She was pure light." from the story White Wave.

Lions:  Independently the students watched a video lesson, using popular songs, to learn about metaphors (and similes, too).  In group we discussed what a metaphor is and shared some from the video lesson, discussing what information we gained fro the metaphor itself.  Finally, we discussed the metaphor, She was pure light." from the story White Wave, and brainstormed the meaning behind the title, White Wave.

F&P:  We completed a dictated writing exercise.  The students did very well!  :-)

After our literacy block we shared homework writing journal entries and then had a class meeting.

We began our class meeting with a group share.  Students chose between something they learned when they went to work with a parent yesterday OR asking me a question about my job.  My children chose the latter and asked some very thought provoking questions!  I was impressed.

After that we shared compliments and thank yous.

Next, we moved on to challenges.  First, we discussed a recess issue involving the game Knock Out.  I didn't have answers for the class but promised I would look into it.  After that, we had a discussion about students whispering and giggling in front of other students.  Some expressed feeling uncomfortable and not feeling like they belong.  We spent some time on this topic with students sharing their feelings and what they wish would change.  Hopefully, we will see improvement immediately!  Nobody should feel unwanted or unworthy.  I applaud the children who took risks and shared their inner feelings.

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