Monday, April 13, 2015

We're Back!!!!!

I sincerely hope that everyone had a wonderful Spring Break and enjoyed the spectacular weather this past weekend!!

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding, we changed classroom jobs, and shared a few of our Spring Break adventures.  Then, we began our math rotations.

During the small group, teacher-led instruction, we practiced representing word problem with equations, using a variable to represent the unknown, and then solving those equations.  Some of the items we focused on were identifying the question that the problem was asking and identifying known and unknown information.

During math with a partner, the students played a card game called Multiplication Chance to work towards the memorization of the basic multiplication facts.

Finally, during the technology portion, the students accessed word problems, through Google Classroom's math page, and practiced writing equations, using a variable to represent the unknown, and solving them.  Then they watched a video to see how an expert would represent and solve the problem.  Students were instructed to bring any questions to small group for us to discuss.

For HOMEWORK there is a multi-step word problem on the Google Classroom homework page.  Also, a writing journal entry is due Friday.

After math we took a Go Noodle brain break and then began our literacy block.

First we reviewed the characteristics of a myth using the Google Slide presentation I sent to all students before Spring Break.  Then I reviewed today's independent work assignment and created some model slides for students to use as a reference.

Today students will begin with a guided reading assignment.  Then they will watch the tale, The Fisherman and the Turtle and rewatch Jack and the Giant Barbecue.  Then, in their RRJ, they will compare and contrast the main characters from each tale. After that, the students will complete an assigned word work activity.  Finally, they will watch a video about opportunity cost  (social studies - economics) and, in their social studies journal, they will define opportunity cost and provide an example to demonstrate their understanding of the concept.

As the children work on these tasks, I will meet with small groups.

Panthers:  We met and Students received a copy of the myth, Persephone:  A Greek Myth.  We reviewed the characteristics of a myth and then went over vocabulary related to this tale.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read the myth, Persephone:  A Greek Myth and circle unknown words.

Following lunch and outdoor recess, the students continued working on their assignments and I met with more groups.

Tigers:  Independently, the children previewed a myth called, How Butterflies Began, and thought about what characteristics made this a myth.  In group we reread the myth together, discussing and visualizing each paragraph as we read.  Then we discussed the theme of the tale.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread the myth.

Leopards:  Independently the students read the myth, A Golden Tragedy, highlighting tricky words and noting anything they visualized.  Once in group I read a book introduction and then reviewed pertinent vocabulary.  Then we reread up to page 9, together, discussing visualizations and the problem.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread up to page 9.

Lions:  Independently the students read the prologue in their new book, Odysseus and the Bag of Winds.  Once in group we discussed why Odysseus is one of the biggest heroes in Greek mythology.  Then I introduced the book to students by reading an overview of it and we reviewed pertinent vocabulary.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the prologue.

F&P:  The students reread Calling Dr. Carson and we discussed Ben Carson's need to overcome his temper.  Then students revisited the book and marked, with sticky notes, important decisions he had to make to become a neurosurgeon.  Then I did a book introduction for their next text, Pool Trouble.  Finally, the students read the book to find out how they solved the problem (there is a skunk at the city pool) and whether it worked.

The children ended their day in music.

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