Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy Friday!!

This morning, after reading quietly, exchanging books in the media center, or practicing keyboarding skills, we began our math rotations.

Rotations were a bit different today because I had to give a group of students the third task for the compacted math assessment.  Remember, this is a set of tasks that 5 students are working through to determine eligibility for the 4/5 compacted math class next year.

So, I met with my first group, as usual, and used Geoboards to determine fourths.  Then the next group I pulled worked on the third task for the compacted math assessment portfolio.  Unfortunately, I never got to the others.  No worries, though, we will continue today's small group lesson on Monday!

While I met with small groups the students worked with a partner to complete the fraction vocabulary flapbook and then played a fraction bump game to practice identifying and naming unit fractions.  The, during technology, the children played two fraction games, via the Internet, practicing identifying and naming unit fractions and iterations of fractions.

After math, since we ran a bit late, we moved onto our literacy block.

During independent work time the children will complete independent reading group activities.  Then they complete work assigned earlier in the week.  This includes; the final drafts of their first two inquiry projects, typing up the rough draft of the third inquiry paragraph, practicing the letters a, d, and g in cursive, watching the 4 "How It's Made Videos" and listening to the BES nominee, Martin and Mahalia.

While the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.

Tigers:  We met and reviewed the cause and effect that they identified for homework last night.  Then the children reread a portion of their text and identified another example of cause and effect on the t-chart in their RRJ.  We will begin a new text on Monday.

Following lunch and indoor recess, the students continued working independently, while I met with more guided reading groups.

Panthers:  On their own the children reread pages 7-8 and identified an example of cause and effect on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we shared their examples of cause and effect and discussed challenges with their responses.  Then the students created a new t-chart in their RRJ and we practiced identifying new examples of cause and effect, using page 10 in the text.  For each paragraph I provided the cause and the students read to determine the effect.

Leopards:  Independently the students reread pages 20 and 21 and added a new example of cause and effect to the t-chart in their RRJ.  In group we shared the exciting/surprising facts they identified from their reading last night.  Then we shared the examples of cause and effect they identified during independent work.  After that we read the conclusion of their book and discussed what we learned from reading it.  WE will begin a new book on Monday!  :-)

Lions:    Independently the students read pages 4 and 5 of their new book, Frederick Douglas: Forever Free, and identified an example of cause and effect to a new t-chart int heir RRJ.  IN group we shared background knowledge the students had about Frederick Douglas and slavery in general.  Then we shared their examples of cause and effect.

After our literacy block we shared the children's writing journal entries.

Finally, we had a formal class meeting.  First, each student shared something they did over winter break.  Then we exchanged thank-yous and compliments.  Finally, we identified and discussed challenges within our class community.  Some of these challenges included students feeling lonely or teased during recess and/or lunch.  Together we brainstormed ways to deal with these frustrations.

Enjoy your weekend!!


Unknown said...

Great idea to do "Thank you's and Compliments." What's even better that you all did was to go over some issues the kids may have...even if some students don't speak up it gives them an opportunity to know their not alone and how to get help. Well done! Thank you! :)

Unknown said...

THANK YOU for the feedback! I truly enjoy knowing what is working (as well as what isn't working)!!!!! Thanks for making my job easier!

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