Friday, April 4, 2014

It's Fridayyyyyyyyy!!!!

The students began their day in PE with Mr. Lee.

When they returned to the classroom, the took their first quiz of the fourth marking period.  It assessed solving multi step word problems involving multiplication and addition.  These have been graded and should be in the math section of your child' binder.

I was at a meeting this morning, so Mrs. May taught a lesson on identifying and using abstract nouns.  Then she read the folk tale, The Fisherman and the Turtle, to the class.  When I got back we used characteristics from the traditional tales chart to determine that this was indeed a folk tale.

After that, the students worked on independent reading groups tasks, continued researching their issue for the inquiry project and completed the Jack and the Giant Barbeque follow up, while I met with small groups.

Sharks:  In group we created a chart identifying the key event from the beginning, middle and end of A Fair Swap.  Next week we will use this as we determine the theme of the tale.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Dolphins:  The students illustrated and labeled the key event in the beginning, middle and end of their story.

Cheetahs:  The students illustrated and labeled the key event in the beginning, middle and end of their book.  We shared these in group and used the events to help determine the theme of the book.

Pandas:  The students identified the key event in chapters 3, 4, and 5.  Then we discussed the common thread (listening to Snake Grandmother) and determined the theme of the tale.

At the end of the day we reviewed the concept and components of a budget.  Then we watched a video clip to further strengthen our understanding.

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