Friday, December 13, 2013

Fabulous Friday!

The students began their day in PE.

When they returned to class we began math rotations, since there was no quiz today!!

The teacher lesson focused on using the words quartet, trio and duet to represent equal groups of 4, 3 and 2 respectively, in word problems. During guided practice, the children completed the POW. Finally, during the technology rotation, the children identified the area of torn figures.

Today's reading and writing block focused on the first two paragraphs of the inquiry project. I began by explicitly identifying what information needed to be in each paragraph AND what questions they should have answered through their research prior to writing each paragraph. Then, I made a copy, for each student, of the information I outlined for them.

After that, I met with two reading groups to review HOW to organize and answer a BCR.

Pandas: We discussed the need to identify what the question is asking and I explained that became the topic of the response. I then showed them how to write the topic sentence for their answer. After that I modeled using specific information, or details, from the book to prove or explain my answer. I used the BCR they completed yesterday as a model for my lesson.

Cheetahs: We discussed the need to identify what the question is asking and I explained that became the topic of the response. I then showed them how to write the topic sentence for their answer. After that I modeled using specific information, or details, from the book to prove or explain my answer. I used the BCR they completed yesterday as a model for my lesson.

Following lunch and indoor recess, I will be at a meeting in the building.

The students will continue working on their inquiry project under the direction of the substitute and our instructional assistant. Students who are "done" will be asked to point to, or highlight, the required components for each paragraph. If they are unable to do so, because it is missing, they will be directed to go back and revise their writing.

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