Monday, November 11, 2013

Marvelous Monday --- Parent/Teacher Conferences!!

The day began with a school wide ceremony honoring veterans in our community since it is Veteran's Day.  After that, the children visited the media center for a quick book exchange and lesson about writing good research questions.

When they returned to class, we began our math rotations.  During the teacher rotation, students were given two copies of  a problem solving process and a word problem key word chart, prepared by Mrs. Bartel.  One is to be stored in the math section of the binder and the other is glued into the front cover of the math journals.  We went over both documents and then used them to solve the first problem on tonight's homework worksheet.  Hopefully, these will provide support to students who are still struggling with math word problems.

During guided practice, the students worked with partners to write 4 equations given a set of 3 numbers.  They discussed how the equations were related and which numbers represented the groups.

At the final rotation students revisited the Times Table Grid.  This time, however, they focused on the 8 times facts.

For homework, all students must complete the final 3 word problems on the worksheet we began in class.  Disregard the "guided practice" label on the front and the "exit card" label on the back.  I switched the focus of my lesson at the last minute and used the only word problem worksheet I had at my fingertips!  :-)

Due to a shortened reading and writing block, there was not a focus lesson today.  Additionally, I did not meet with reading groups.  Instead I met with two inquiry project groups, transportation and schools.  Together we discussed and wrote questions to guide their research.

While I met with these two small groups, the rest of the class worked on writing their narrative poem rough draft and attempted to write research questions.

HOMEWORK:  All students should watch the Disney version of Casey at the Bat which is on the reading page of the third grade web site.

Students ate lunch, after our shortened reading and writing block, and then packed up!

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