Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

The students began their day with Mrs. Rose  in the media center.  They are doing Reader's Theater with her.

When they returned to class, the students continued publishing their third grade newsletters, in their small groups.

In math, I introduced and modeled an activity that will take a few days to complete.  The students will work in groups up to 3 to create and conduct a survey.  Then they will display the data they gathered on both a bar and picto graph.  Next, they will share their results with our class.  Finally, they will analyze their results and their efforts during this task.

Today the children chose a topic, wrote a question, decided on their choices, identified a population to survey and made a prediction.

We will have a quiz on Friday in math!!

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students got into their reading groups and worked on adding elaboration to their electronic RRJ for chapter 1.  Additionally, they created a new page for chapter 2 identifying the problem the family discovered when they arrived in Chicago.

After that, we read chapter 3 and the students worked with elbow partners to identify different tasks we could do to display our comprehension of the chapter.  After listening to various ideas, we voted and decided that each group would either illustrate the room in the tenement house, using the description in the novel, or rename the boys' group and justify the new name.

At the end of the day, the students got into their production groups and created a prototype of the good they will make for the patients at JH Oncology Center.

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