Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

Well, my doctor's appointment yesterday was kind of what I expected...I need to have an outpatient procedure (a scope) done on my torn meniscus.  I will be having the surgery on Friday of this week.  I am anticipating a three day recovery period and plan to be back in school on Tuesday.  That way, I will only miss one day of school!

I appreciate your (and your child's) patience and understanding during this challenging time!  :-)  I promise to check email regularly...except for Friday!

On to today...

This morning the children began their day in the media center.

When they returned to class I modeled writing the first paragraph of their Black American Inventor paper.  This paragraph needs to have a good hook (to grab reader's attention) and name the inventor and the invention.

We also read and discussed chapter 6 of Lily and Miss Liberty.

While I met with small groups the students wrote their first paragraph, as described above.  They also finished all Lily and Miss Liberty comprehension worksheet (particularly chapter 5 from yesterday).  Finally they worked on unfinished work and their Statue of Liberty research project.

Sharks:  We identified and discussed the main topic of the book.  Then we read pages 8-11 and identified the challenges faced by the crew of the wrecked ship.

IN math we continued yesterday's lesson, identifying fractions by matching the size of the Cuisenaire rod to the fractional name and space on the worksheet  and then using that to create a whole.

Mrs. Head and I both pulled small groups to practice partitioning groups into fractions and naming parts of the fractions that had been shaded and unshaded. 

For homework there is an assignment on Edmodo.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with more groups.

Cheetahs:  We discussed Phillip's motivation for telling tall tales to Anna.  Then we read chapter 4 and identified examples in the text where Phillip was creating problems for himself.

Yellow Jackets:  We discussed the family dynamics and the importance of the camera in the book Journey, paying particular attention to chapter 1.

Snakes:  We did word work, practicing vocabulary from the book, and identified root words and endings.

I had to leave early to get blood work done.   The children went down to Mr. Vogel's room for a science lesson before dismissal.  They watched his students' energy vocabulary presentations.

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