Thursday, February 25, 2010


This morning, thanks to Ms. Jones and Mrs. Culpepper, I had some extra planning time while the students went to an assembly featuring an entertaining jump roper. After that, we had math. My math students either finished their unit 4 assessment or worked on a practice MSA math activity.

After math, my reading class had extra time to work on their state brochure. Much to my delight, most students were caught up! So, those children sat with me and read an article, in our newest edition of National Geographic, about frogs. While we certainly enjoyed the article and learned some new facts (for example, frogs blink when they swallow because it helps them swallow!), we also focused on identifying text features and explaining what we learned from the text features.

After lunch and outdoor recess (remember, we had music on Monday this week)the children will work on their brochure, a vocabulary activity and reading group activities. I will meet with small groups.

Tigers: We practiced writing high frequency words and began a new book called The Birthday Swap. They need to finish reading the book tonight, for homework, and be able to tell me what the swap is.

Bears: Discussed and wrote about a character trait for Sara. Tonight they need to reread the book...we are working on reading fluency!

Lions: Worked on a vocabulary worksheet. Then began reading and discussing the end of the book in group. We will continue on Friday or Monday.

We will end the day with Mrs. Howard doing a friendship lesson with our class.

Remember that tomorrow is an early dismissal day!

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