Monday, May 21, 2018

Marvelous Monday

This morning the students commented about their weekend on our morning message.  Then, they completed the Monday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our new word of the week, contain.  After the announcements, they went to PE.

When they returned to class, they completed a Branches of Government sort.

Next, they enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, we began our literacy block with writing.  First, we reviewed and discussed the grading tool I will use to assess their written game directions.  Then, we reviewed using the modal auxiliaries can, may, and must, in their writing.  Finally, we reviewed how to use their word bank booklet,, and their proofreading notes, to revise their game directions.  During their writing time, the children worked with their partners to proofread, revise, and edit their game directions.  Then, those who were ready, began drafting their final version.

Next, we moved onto the reading and independent work block.  Today the students completed the Monday portion of their new reading skills practice sheet, which provided practice with identifying the main idea and supporting details in non-fiction text.  Then, they read their new book club assignment, completed their job, and met with their group.  After that, some students finished their Shiloh opinion paragraph, and others watched a screen cast, and did the guided practice activities, about using commas in letters.

After reading, we switched for math. 

Math began with  a warm up involving the use of equivalent fractions and money to solve a word problem.  Then, we watched a Learn Zillion lesson about coordinate graphing as a class.  Then, we began our rotations.

During the small group lesson we practice plotting coordinates on a grid and then solving real-world problems involving by interpreting them.  During math with a partner, the students created a picture on a grid by plotting coordinates, and then they answered mathematical questions based on their work.  Finally, during the technology portion the children completed a session of Xtra Math and then practiced plotting coordinates on a grid using online web sites on a Blendspace posted in GC.

Math homework is posted in GC.

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