Monday, May 1, 2017

Marvelous Monday - Testing Season Begins

WOW!  We had a lot of bread this morning!!  Thanks to all of you who took the time to bake bread with your child this weekend.  I am certain those less fortunate, who will be receiving our donations, will be very grateful!!

Today marks the beginning of testing season.  During this time, there will be many changes to our schedule and routine.  Stay tuned to the blog in order top remain informed.

For starters, we did not have a formal reading or math block today because of the bread donations and testing.  There will be NO HOMEWORK this evening.

We began our day by completing and going over a language review activity.  Then the children completed their 3 Branches of Government Slides presentation, while I worked to complete the April (oops!) informal reading assessments.

After that, we reviewed the format for answering an essay question and I introduced the novel, Shiloh, to the class.

Then the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, the students took the Unit 1 ELA PARCC assessment.

There is NO HOMEWORK this evening.

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