Friday, May 26, 2017

Fabulous Friday

This morning, since it was Free Choice Friday, the children got to choose which skills they practiced during morning work.  Then, they went to music with Ms. Thomson.  When they returned to class, we watched the morning announcements and went over the answers for our weekly puzzles.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then, we did a warm up that reviewed the types of lines.  After that, I went over the formative and the children took it.  These have been graded and returned.  Towards the end of math we reviewed today's quiz and then we practiced identifying angle measures as additive to meet given criteria.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we began our literacy block.  I took time to review the expectations for two past due assignments, that the class, in general, did not complete in way that demonstrated proficiency.  After re-explaining both tasks, and identifying how each would be graded, the children returned to their seats and worked on improving both.

The first task was to take technical text, a recipe for Rice Krispie Treats, and present it in a way that was easy to read and follow using 7 different text features.  The second assignment was to choose a current event article and write a summary for it.  Once the students completed both activities, they were expected to continue researching their Genius Hour questions.

Pink/Blue:  First I collected their Safari magazines.  Then we discussed our background knowledge regarding the original 13 colonies.  After that, I passed out a text about the New England colonies.  Finally, we read and defined some of the domain specific vocabulary in the article.  I collected the article until our next guided reading group.

Orange:   First I collected their Safari magazines.  Then we discussed our background knowledge regarding the original 13 colonies.  After that, I passed out a text about the New England colonies.  Finally, we read and defined some of the domain specific vocabulary in the article.  I collected the article until our next guided reading group.

Green:  First I collected their Safari magazines.  Then we discussed our background knowledge regarding the original 13 colonies.  After that, I passed out a text about the New England colonies.  Finally, we read and defined some of the domain specific vocabulary in the article.  I collected the article until our next guided reading group.

At 2:20 the STRINGS students went to their instrumental music practice with Mr. Gillenwater.

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