Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday - Report Cards!!

This morning the children worked on their writing Wednesday stories.  Then, after the announcements, they had a chance to share.  After that we began our social studies lesson, returning to our study of the early settlements and colonies.

After clearing up a few misconceptions I introduced a more comprehensive, and less confusing, chart for capturing important information we discover during our learning.  Then the children revisited the text about St. Augustine and completed that section of our new organizer.

Next we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we completed a warm up where students identified as many fractions equivalent to 1/2 as they could in 5 minutes.  After that we went over last night's homework and began our rotations.

During the small group rotations we compared fractions using visuals, such as fraction strips.  During math with a partner, the students played Fraction War to reinforce comparing fractions.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the children completed a fraction assignment on Ten Marks.

For HOMEWORK the students were given half of  a worksheet to practice comparing fractions.

After math, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class we began our literacy block.  First, we identified how understanding allusions to myths can help us comprehend text.  Then we reviewed how to identify support, from text, to demonstrate a character's traits.

After that, while I met with small groups, the children read a myth and identified both character traits and support from the text for the main character(s).  Then they continued to use their extreme weather research to draft an informative paragraph for their group newsletter.  Finally, if they had time, they read about the settlement of Roanoke and added information to the organizer I introduced this morning.

Pink and Blue:  Once again, I met with both groups together.  First, we shared text they marked last night to support the trait of greed.  After that, we discussed how King Midas' greed impacted the sequence of events in the myth.  Next, I passed out the myth, "Pegasus".  We read and discussed it, circling a few character traits in the text.  Then, independently, the students completed a web, identifying character traits and evidence from the text supporting each.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread "Pegasus".

After meeting with these groups, the students had art with Mr. Cosgrove.  Then we resumed our literacy block.

Orange:  We shared and discussed the text they marked, for homework last night, supporting the character trait of greed.  They we orally rehearsed explaining how King Midas' greed impacted the sequence of events in the myth.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread the myth, "The Story of Medusa and Athena".

Green:  We shared and discussed the text they marked, for homework last night, supporting the character trait of greed.  They we orally rehearsed explaining how King Midas' greed impacted the sequence of events in the myth.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread the myth, "The Story of Medusa and Athena".

REPORT CARDS were sent home this afternoon.  Keep everything inside and return the empty envelope, signed by you, tomorrow.

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