Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Terrific Tuesday - Valentine's Day

This morning the students had a chance to catch up on unfinished assignments.  Those who are up-to-date practiced keyboarding using Typing Club.  After the announcements we began our social studies block.  The children, worked independently, using various resources to learn about the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia.  They viewed maps, video clips, and non-fiction text.  towards the end of the period we shared what they had added to their settlements chart, located in GC - SS.

Next we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then the children completed a written warm up that we reviewed together.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction we practiced identifying equivalent fractions using number lines.  I also showed the students how to use division or multiplication to generate equivalent fractions.  During math with a partner the children played a version of Go Fish, called,"Go Darth" to practice identifying equivalent fractions.  Finally, the students used two web sites, Battleship Number Line and Number Line Game, to practice placing, comparing, and ordering fractions on a number line.

For HOMEWORK the children need to complete the worksheet we began in small group.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  Then they went to PE with Mr. Smith.  During PE, all students participated in Jump Rope for Heart.

When we returned to class we began reading the myth, "Theseus and the Minotaur".

Finally, we celebrated Valentine's Day with an awesome party!

HOMEWORK is posted on Google CLassroom - Holman's Homework.

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