Friday, February 10, 2017

Fabulous Friday!

The students began their day in music with Ms. Thomson.  When they returned to class we watched the morning announcements and reviewed the answers to yesterday's puzzles.  Then we switched for math.

We began math by taking a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we reviewed last night's homework and prepared for today's formative.  After that the children took the quiz.  These have been graded and returned.  Look for them in home folders this evening.  With the few minutes we had left, we took a look at some PARCC type questions involving fractions, to familiarize students with different ways they may be asked to use the skills they've learned.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and indoor recess, due to the cold temperatures.

We began our literacy block after recess.

First we reviewed the independent task list and I answered questions regarding expectations and criteria for success.  Then we reread, and attempted to act out, the play, "The Apple of Discord," again, and students made markings on the text to help them complete part of their independent work.

While I met with guided reading groups the students completed a chart identifying words or actions, for each character, supporting whether they were or weren't responsible for starting the Trojan War.   After that, some students had to finish the character trait web, identifying both traits and support from the myth.  Finally, all children worked on completed their informative paragraph for their extreme weather topic.

Orange:  I introduced the terms protagonist and antagonist to the group.  Then we discussed Medusa and Athena, their character traits, support from the text, and how the traits contributed to the sequence of events in the myth, The Story of Medusa and Athena".  After that, we briefly discussed which character they thought started the Trojan War and why.

Green:  I introduced the terms protagonist and antagonist to the group.  Then we discussed Medusa and Athena, their character traits, support from the text, and how the traits contributed to the sequence of events in the myth, The Story of Medusa and Athena".  After that, we briefly discussed which character they thought started the Trojan War and why.

Blue and Pink:  We reread the myth, "Pegasus," and retold the events in order.  After that we identified character traits and how they impacted events in the story.

We wrapped up the day, and week, with a brief class meeting.  We shared our plans for the weekend and exchanged a few compliments and thank yous.

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