Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thriving Thursday

This morning the students worked on a language arts review warm up.  After the announcements we went over the correct answers and the children were expected to correct any mistakes.  Then we began our social studies lesson.

After reviewing the various zoning areas for land use, the students began mapping out a community which included residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, and open space areas.

Then we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.

Next we did an error analysis warm up and reviewed last night's homework.

After that, we began our rotations.  During the small group instruction we applied the area and perimeter formulas to solve word problems.  During math with a partner, the students continued using formulas to calculate the area and perimeter of each room.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students worked with the formulas to identify the area and perimeter of rectangles online.

We will have a formative tomorrow covering applying the formulas for the area and perimeter of rectangles.  There is a word problem, on Google Classroom - Holman's Homework, to solve for homework tonight.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, we began our literacy block.  We began by reading the poem, "Mother to Son", by Langston Hughes and discussing the theme.  Then I modeled how to write about the theme, naming and explaining support from the text to prove my thinking.

After that, the children worked independently .  Some students worked on their character sketch for MR. Falker and their illustrations for our class book of historical fiction stories.  These are way past due!  The rest of the class read the poem, "The Race", and wrote about the theme, naming and explaining support from the text to prove their thinking.  After that, the students used multiple resources, linked in Google Classroom - Writing,

While the students worked, I met with individuals to work on my November (oops!) informal reading assessments.  Then I met with guided reading groups.

Pink:  We reviewed the students beginning, middle, and end notes from last night's homework, and the somebody-wanted- but-so strategy to write a summary of chapter 2.  After that we did some word work with the -ook spelling pattern.  Then we previewed chapter 3 and identified tricky words and vocabulary.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapter 3 and identify the beginning, middle and end on a sticky note.

Blue:  First, the students shared the markings they made as they read last night.  These were the ideas that surprised, confused, or that made them smile.  After that we previewed chapter 2.  For HOMEWORK the students needs to read chapter 2 and marl the 3 most important parts (beginning, middle, end) using sticky notes.

Orange:  We attempted to share character traits for Nick and the evidence the students marked in their books, but this was a challenge.  So, I modeled how to choose a trait and identify specific text to support their thinking.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapters 4 and 5, choose a character trait for Nick (it can be the same one from last night or a revised one) and mark two places in the text that support their thinking.

Green:  We started to discuss chapters 2-5 and share places the children marked in the book but we ran out of time.  :-(  For HOMEWORK  they need to reread chapters 2-5 and write a title for 2 chapters.  Boys should write a title for chapters 2 & 4, and girls should write a title for chapters 3 & 5.

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