Monday, December 12, 2016

Marvelous Monday

This morning, after the announcements, we began our social studies lesson.  We reviewed natural, capital, and human resources.  Then we practiced using a decision tree to make economic choices associated with a scenario, by listing good and bad points for each.  We also identified the opportunity cost and limited resources associated with the situation.

Next we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we did a warm up where each letter of the alphabet was given a number based on its place in the alphabet (a = 1, b = 2, etc.), the students were challenged to identify a word worth 50.  Apple is one word that equals 50.  Can you think of another?

After our warm up we began our rotations.

During the small group lesson we practiced solving problems involving the conversion of pounds and ounces.  During math with a partner, the students engaged in math discourse as they continued converting measurements of length.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students watched a lesson about converting pounds and ounces and then practiced the skill using an online game.

For HOMEWORK, there is a ponds to ounces chart posted on GC - Holman's Homework.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and recess.

When the children returned to class, we began our literacy block.  Before the students worked independently, I modeled how to write an informative community profile using the data that the children had gathered during their research.  The students will be writing about Clarksburg, but I wrote about Westminster.

Then, while I met with guided reading groups, the students completed a new WTW sort.  Then they wrote 2 paragraphs about Clarksburg, Maryland.  The first was about it's location and the second, about the population.  Finally, the children revisited the play, "The Gifts of Wali Dad", the poem, "Drop a Pebble in Water", and the story, Prot and Krot, and identified evidence supporting the thee of generosity from each.

Pink: We shard the sentences they had written at the bottom of each page in chapter 6.  After that, we used the "somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then" strategy to write a summary of chapter 6.  Then we previewed chapter 7.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 7 and write a sentence at the bottom of each page, on a sticky note, paraphrasing the most important event on that page.

Blue:  We attempted to share the sentences they had written at the bottom of each page in chapter 3 but over half the group either didn't do it at all or didn't reread when the text didn't make sense.  So, we had a discussion strategies we have practiced to help us understand what we read, and the importance of doing our reading homework.  FOr HOMEWORK tonight, the students need to reread pages 20-22 and write a sentence, on a sticky note, paraphrasing the most important event on each page.

Orange: We reviewed the sentences that some students had written to paraphrased the most important event on each page of chapter 6.  Then I introduced a summarizing strategy, "Somebody Wanted But So Then," and we orally rehears a summary for chapter 6.  Then, together, we wrote a summary for that chapter.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 7 and paraphrase the main event, for each page, on a sticky note.

Green:  We quickly reviewed chapters 8 and 9.  Then we discussed the two chapters using the places they had marked in the text.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read chapters 10 and 11 and mark places that confuse or surprise them.

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