Friday, December 23, 2016

Fabulous Friday!!

We are definitely ready for Winter Break....we have one more day to go!!!

This morning the students went to music with Ms. Thomson.  When they returned, we watched the morning announcements.

Then we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  After that we reviewed last night's homework to prepare for today's quiz.    NExt the children took the formative.  These have been graded and returned to students.  Look for them in home folders this evening.

After the quiz, I pulled a small group to continue practicing using place value, multiplication and long division to solve 2- digit by 1-digit division problems.  While I worked with some of the children, the rest practiced their division skills using selected web sites, posted on GC - math, or by playing board games, that we played in math earlier in the week.

Following math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, they worked collaboratively to finish designing, and then building, a water collection tool to collect run-off water.  They created some cool contraptions!  I can't wait to test them in January.

After that, we cleaned the classroom, including their baskets.

Then, we enjoyed playing board and card games during our Dojo reward of Game Afternoon.

I sincerely wish each and everyone one of you a HAPPY and HEALTHY holiday!

See you next year!

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