Friday, November 4, 2016

Fantastic Friday

This morning, before going to music with Ms. Thomson, the children had free choice Friday.  They got to select from a list of several activities such as reading using MyON, practicing basic facts, and using math sites to practice various concepts and skills.  After music, we watched the announcements and went over yesterday's morning work puzzles.

Then we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Next we did an "eliminate It" warm up where students had a choice of 4 numbers and had to eliminate one of them use math reasoning.  After that, we solved two practice comparative word problems to prepare for our weekly formative.  Finally, the students took the formative.

The formatives have been graded and returned to students.  Look for them in home folders this evening.  We did go over the formative at the end of math class.  I believe that many students rushed through the first problem and didn't visualize it, or read it carefully.  We discussed this.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class we began our literacy block.  Since today is the last day of the first marking period, we took some time to go over who still owes me work.  Then I explained rules for the  contest we are going to have to select who will illustrate the front cover of our class book of historical fiction stories.

While I met with guided reading groups, the students completed unfinished assignments.  The

Pink:  We reviewed the -oi and -ea vowel patterns and spent time reading words with -er, -ir, and -ur.  Then we did a quick word chain activity to practice writing short vowel sounds.  After that, we reviewed strategies for determining the main idea in text.  Finally, we read pages 10 and 11 and identified the main idea for that section, and wrote it in our journals.

Blue:  I collected their Ecosystem books and handed out a Safari Magazine.  We took a few minutes to preview it and then read the poem on page 11.  Using the text, we determined what we could learn about an albatross.

Orange:  Yesterday the students read pages 4 and 5, in their Safari Magazine, and wrote a main idea statement for that section of text.  In group today, we reviewed how to identify the main idea (strategies we use and practice).  Then, after collecting their assignments, I modeled through thinking out loud how I would write a main idea statement.

Green: Yesterday the students read pages 4 and 5, in their Safari Magazine, and wrote a main idea statement and 2 supporting details for that section of text.  In group today, we reviewed how to identify the main idea (strategies we use and practice).  Then, after collecting their assignments, I modeled through thinking out loud how I would write a main idea statement and supporting details.

After our literacy block we had a formal class meeting.  First, during the group share, each student identified one thing they enjoyed during the first marking period of fourth grade.  Then we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  After that, we reviewed what we have learned about growth mindset (smart is something you get, challenges work our brain and help us get smarter).  Then we watched a new lesson from Class Dojo, called, "The Power of Yet".  This was a lesson about adding yet to statements that could be negative.  For example, instead of saying I can't do this, you can say, I can't do this YET!

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