Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday - Spring Break, Here We Come!!!

This morning after the announcements we began our literacy block...but before we could get started the children earned yet another class Dojo reward!!  They voted on another game/art afternoon.  We will enjoy this treat the first Friday after Spring Break, April 8.

While I finished my March reading assessments and met with guided reading groups, the children worked independently on the following tasks.  First they completed an independent guided reading assignment.  Then they too a diagnostic assessment for reading on Front Row.  Finally, they continued working on their inquiry project.

Pink:  The children reread pages 8-13 and identified an example of cause and effect on a t-chart in their RRJ.  In group the children took their spelling tests and we shared and discussed their examples of cause and effect.  I collected their books.  We will begin a new book after break.

Green:  Independently the students reread pages 70-81 and then, in their RRJ, they wrote 3-5 sentences about the main events in this chapter.  In group the students took their word work, or spelling, quiz.  Then we reviewed their sentences and retold the events in the chapter.  Overall, the group is struggling with this text.  They decided they wanted to begin a new text after Spring Break.  Therefore, I collected the books.

Blue:  Independently the students reread pages 67-81 and, in their RRJ, they identified a theme of the book and used two specific examples, from the text, to support it.  In group we took a word work (spelling) quiz.  Then we discussed the theme of the text and examples that support it.  I collected their book and we will begin a new one after Spring Break.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the children returned to the classroom we began our math block.  First we did a Train Your Brain and then the students took a formative (quiz) on comparing fractions.  These have been scored and returned to students.  Look for them in home folders this evening.

After math the students had some time to organize their baskets and the classroom.  Then we finished sharing he culture projects.

Finally, the students ended their day in music.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!!

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