Thursday, March 17, 2016

Thrilling Thursday - St. Patrick's Day

Before I begin to summarize our day, I want to share a few items of interest...
I will be out tomorrow at two doctors appointments.  Therefore, there will not be a blog post.  Also, the CULTURE PROJECT (poster) is due this coming Monday, March 21.  Students will share their posters, with our class, at some point next week.

On to today...
After the morning announcements, we began our literacy block.  Before going over the independent work, I reviewed the format of a friendly letter.

Today, while I continued with the March informal reading assessments and met with guided reading groups, the students completed independent reading tasks.  Then they practiced writing their word work words using a Google Doc or a white board.  After that they continued working on their culture 3-2-1 using Encyclopedia  Britannica.  Finally, they wrote thank you notes to the PTA for our wonderful assembly yesterday.

Pink:  Independently the students read pages 12 and 13.  Then they created a t-chart, in their RRJ, and turned the headings on both pages into questions.  Finally they answered the questions they wrote, using the text.  In group, we reviewed the purpose of a heading and how turning a heading into a question can help us better comprehend the text.  Then we shared the questions they wrote, and tweaked those that needed it.  I also modeled, through thinking aloud, how I read the text and pin point answers to my questions.  We then did the same with the second question for the heading on page 13.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 14 and 15.

Green:  Independently the students read pages 29-38 and marked places they thought were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then they chose three words to define and share with the group.  In group, the students each chose a word to teach to the group.  Then we discussed the chapter focusing on the important parts of the section, especially the death of Annie's brother Jimmy.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 39-49 and list unknown words.

Blue:  Independently the students read pages 38-46 and marked places they thought were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then they chose three words to define and share with the group.  In group, the students each chose a word to teach to the group.  Then we discussed the chapter focusing on the destruction they puppies created and Gary's reaction to it. For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 47-52 and list unknown words.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.  First we did a "Train Your Brain".  Then we began our math rotations.

During the small group instruction we practiced comparing fractions and then drawing models to justify our answer.

During math with a partner, the students engaged in math discourse as they paled the card game, Fraction War.

Finally,  during the technology rotation the students finished their Ten Marks, comparing fractions, assignment from yesterday.  Then they played Balloon Fractions, again comparing fractions.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.

We ended today with a new block...Favorite PArt of the day.  Students quickly shared their favorite part of today!!

There will not be a math formative or a word work quiz tomorrow.  These will both take place next Wednesday, March 23.

Culture Projects are due Monday, March 21!

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