Friday, March 11, 2016

Fantastic Friday

This morning, after watching the announcements, we began our literacy block.  I began by showing and explaining the exact grading tool I will use for the realistic fiction picture books.  We are nowhere near ready to begin grading but I don't want there to be any secrets regarding my expectations.  After that, I did a quick mini lesson about using dialogue in writing, including correct punctuation and the selection of  great "speaking words".

As the students worked independently on the following tasks, I met with guided reading groups.  First they completed independent guided reading group assignments.  Then all groups practiced their word work words using Rainbow Words.  Finally, students finished their rough draft and worked on revising it with a partner.

Orange and Pink:  I pulled both of these groups together, again, since it worked so well yesterday.  First we reviewed the theme of the Happy Lion as friendship.  Then the students marked places in the story that supported this theme.  Next, we discussed the places they marked.  Finally, I provided a framework to help them write about the theme in their RRJ.  When they returned to their seats they wrote about the theme, using the framework and discussion from our group, in their RRJ.

Green:  Independently the students responded to the question, "Why does White Wave grant Kuo MIng the gift of her shell even though he has done what he knew he should not do?" in their RRJ.  Then, in group, we had a shared inquiry discussion using their responses to the above question as a starting point.

Blue:  Independently, in their RRJ, the students identified a theme for White Wave and named and explained an example to support it.  In group we shared and discussed the theme.  After that I spent time reviewing how to name an example from the text and then explain how the example supports the theme.  I also provided a framework for their responses.  Finally, the students drew a line of learning and wrote a revised answer.

After our literacy block the children enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When the students returned to class they took our math formative (quiz).  After that I quickly reviewed the correct answers.  These have been scored and returned to the children.  Please look for them in home folders this evening.

Next we shared homework writing journals.

Then we had our weekly class meeting.  First the children shared one area in which they are getting smarter.  Then we exchanged thank yous and compliments.  FIanlly, we watched the next episode in the Class Dojo Growth Mindset series.  This one was called, "The Power of Yet, " as in I haven't learned it YET!  Ask your child about the power of the word YET!

We ended the day with our whole class Dojo reward, a game afternoon.

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