Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thrilling Thursday - Report Cards

This morning, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.  As we started to review today's task, we heard a knock at our door.  It was Mrs. Daniell.  She requested a favor...due to some schedule changes and missed school because of the snow, our class had not completed a piece of art work for the Kids Kreations fundraiser.  The work is due tomorrow.  Therefore, she wanted to know if we could squeeze it into our busy schedule.  Of course, we said YES!

So, after completing a reread of their guided reading book and marking places they thought were important, surprising, and/or confusing, the children plan, practiced, and completed a piece of art work for the Kids Kreations fundraiser.  If they finished early they practiced their work word words for the quiz tomorrow.

I met with guided reading groups.

Orange:  We reviewed and practiced the words they listed as unknown for homework last night.  This took a while, because there were a lot.  Due to the amount, we decided it would be best to reread the chapter, again, for HOMEWORK this evening.

Pink:  The students reread chapter 7 and marked places they thought were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  In group we used their markings to discuss the chapter.  For HOMEWORK the children need to reread chapter 7 carefully.

Green:  The students reread pages 65-71 and marked places they thought were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then in group we discussed the two chapters, using their markings.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 72-78 and list unknown words on a sticky note.

Blue:  The students reread pages 48-65 and marked places as important, surprising, and/or confusing.  In group we began reviewing their lists of unknown words from homework and discussed chapter 9, using their markings.  We also identified the surprising change in Digory's behavior.  For HOMEWORK the children need to read pages 66-72 and list unknown words on a sticky note.  Although we didn't have time to discuss chapters 10 and 11, today, the students requested we continue reading further into the book.  :-)

After our literacy block the children enjoyed indoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math formative covering fractions.

During the quiz, the students went to art with Mrs. Daniell.

When they returned they completed the math formative.

I did not have time to grade all of the math formatives.  Therefore, they will be returned/sent home tomorrow.

After the quiz I passed out report cards.  The report card is yours to keep.  Please sign the envelope, indicating you saw/have the report card, and return the EMPTY, signed envelope to class tomorrow

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