Thursday, February 25, 2016

Crazy Thursday!

This morning, before the announcements, I completed the monthly informal reading assessment with several students.  Then, after the announcements, we began our literacy block.

Today I have a few meetings, in the building, during he school day.  So, this blog post might not be as thorough as some.  Rest assured that I was in the room to explain the tasks for literacy and then for math, and there was a para educator in the room, to help, while I was out.

During the literacy block the students began with an independent guided reading assignment which included a reread and a written component.  Then, all groups practiced their word work words by writing them across and down.  Finally, the children completed and submitted their organizer for the informative paragraph about their state.  They were due today.  :-)  Those who finished early completed a third African American trading card, began a cursive packet, and then moved on to free choice.

Orange:  The students reread chapter 4 and marked places they felt were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then, as a group, we discussed how Gregory felt in the chapter and recounted the main events in the book so far.  After group the students wrote about Gregory's feelings and why he felt this way in their RRJ.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 5 and list unknown words.

Pink: Independently the students reread chapter 4 and marked places they felt were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then, in their RRJ, the students wrote about Gregory's feeling at the end of the chapter, using details from the book to support their thinking.  In group we discussed this chapter, using their markings, and decided what color might represent it.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 5 and list unknown words on a sticky note.

Green:  The students reread chapter 2 and marked places they felt were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then, in their RRJ, they identified a character trait for Little Willy and supported it using 2 examples from the text.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read chapter 3 and list unknown words.

Blue:  The students reread pages 137-150 and marked places they felt were important, surprising, and/or confusing.  Then, in their RRJ, they explained how Digory is feeling and why.  For HOMEWORK the students need to read pages 151-163 and define 3 unknown words.

After our literacy block the students enjoyed outdoor recess and lunch.

When they returned to class we began our math block.  I had to attend a meeting but Mrs. Moran met with the small groups.

During the small group instruction the children reviewed the elements of a line plot and then constructed one similar to one they will need to do on the formative tomorrow.

During math with a partner,, the students created a chart modeling two fractions and representing each on a number line.  One fraction had to be less than one and the other greater than one.  Additionally, they had to use thirds or sixths as the denominator.

Finally, during the technology rotation, the students chose between reviewing the Khan Academy lesson about fractions on a number line or solving word problems involving fractions using the site, Thinking Blocks.

The students took a break during math to go to art with Mrs. Daniell.

HOMEWORK is posted on Google Classroom.  We WILL have a math quiz tomorrow.

We ended the day with a science lesson.  We defined a conductor as a material that allows heat to travel through it easily.  Then we began identifying examples of conductors.

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