Friday, February 28, 2014

TGIF - Read Across America

This morning the students began their day in PE.

When they returned to class, we were treated to a guest reader, from the Damascus Senior Center, who read the Dr. Seuss favorite, Oh, the Thinks You can Think, to the entire third grade.  This special event was in celebration of Read Across America Day, in honor of Dr. Seuess' birthday.

After she left, we finished our math rotations from yesterday.  I think I mentioned that I only got to two groups yesterday.  Then the students took the fourth quiz of this quarter.  Overall, I was so excited with the results!!  They have been scored and returned to students.  Please review them but they should remain in the math section of the binder.

Next, most students either finished their realistic fiction picture book story map, or, those who were done, wrote thank you letters to our guest reader.

Finally, we ate lunch and packed up!

Reminder:  Our class is taking the PARCC reading assessment at the end of March.  On Monday and Tuesday of next week, when the other third grade class is taking the reading MSA we will continue with regular instruction.  WE WILL be taking the math MSA, though, next Friday and the following Monday.

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