Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday!!!

The children began their day in the media center.  When they returned to class we reviewed the idea of all stories having a central message.  Then I explained that, often, the author uses characters words and actions to demonstrate their point of view about a situation and thus convey the central message.  After I felt the children had a good grasp of that idea, the worked in their table groups to analyze the words of a character (either the sister or Little Scarface) and highlight those that show how that sister feels about meeting the Hidden One.

After that, I reviewed how to use Live Binder and the technology links to choose a research topic and list tools that go with that topic.  I also introduced a new WOW word, ponder (to think deeply) and new cursive letters, f, p and j.

While I meet with groups, the children will use Live Binder and the links to choose a topic and list tools.  They will also complete a WOW worksheet for ponder and they will practice writing f, p and j in cursive.

Sharks:  We reviewed The Package using their B/M/E drawings.  Then they wrote a summary of the chapter in their RRJ.

Cheetahs:  We reviewed the heading, topic sentences and repeated words from pages 12-14.  Then we shared the main idea statements they wrote, the other day, and identified highlights and recommended changes for each.

In math, the students used a story to solve word problems.  This is a graded assignment.  Not all students finished, so I will provide more time, in class, tomorrow.  There is a basic fact worksheet for homework.

Following lunch and outdoor recess the students continued working independently while I met with small groups.

Yellow Jackets:  We used last night's homework to identify a main idea statement for pages 22 and 23.  Then the students returned to their seats to read pages 24 and 25.  They also identified the heading, topic sentences and repeated words and phrases in their RRJ.  If they didn't finish it in class, they are expected to complete it for homework.

Snakes:  We orally reviewed the setting, main characters and beginning, middle and end of their book.  Then the children used their book, and our discussion, to complete a story map.  We will begin a new book tomorrow!

We ended the day a bit differently today.  I shared a music video of pediatric cancer patients from Johns Hopkins, in Baltimore, dancing to the pop tune "What Makes You Beautiful".  Then we discussed the overall feeling of the video.  I explained that after seeing this video it made me want to do something to make a difference.  So, during this holiday season, we, as a class, would make cards and a craft to brighten the days of the patients undergoing treatments in the pediatric oncology center at Hopkins.  We are going to determine the specifics, as a class, during our regularly scheduled class meeting on Monday.  I shared the video today to give the students time to think about ideas for our projects.

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