Thursday, November 13, 2008


A full day of last!!! :-)

In math we reviewed identifying the area and perimeter of figures. Some children have classwork to finish this evening, all have a worksheet for homework. There will be a quiz tomorrow covering measuring to the nearest 1/2 inch, conversions and area and perimeter.

In reading we sorted -oe words and the children chose new spelling words. So they now have spelling homework due NEXT Friday and a spelling test next Friday. They also read an issue of Time for Kids and chose a bold-faced word to use to complete a concept map (learn a new vocabulary word). Some raced through their work and their score reflects this...keep in mind, children can always redo work that doesn't meet the target (get at least a score of a 3) and turn it in to be re-scored.

I was able to meet with reading groups!!! WOO HOO!

JGB: Did a first reading of a new story, The Banza. Then the children were to reread the story independently and write questions they had in their brains, as they read, in the RRJ.

Frogs: Read and discussed Communities. They are to reread this at home tonight.

Dragons: Finished reading Amber Brown.

Following lunch and indoor recess I will model choosing a topic to write to inform about and organizing my thoughts using a web. Then I will show the class how to turn the web into a multi-paragraphed writing read that right, multi-paragraphed! In order to get a three this marking period in writing (according to the scoring rubric) the children must write multi-paragraphed pieces.

Hopefully, after having time to plan and begin writing a piece, there will be time for social studies. We will spend our social studies time reviewing physical and human characteristics of geography.

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