Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Day MP2

Today is the start of a new marking period!

In math we continued to pratice calculating mearsurement conversions from inches to feet to yards. The children worked with partners to determine the largest measurement given three that were recorded in different units. Then we used math discourse to determine the correct answer and explain our thinking. I did give the children an exit card to see how their knowledge is growing There is a worksheet for homework.

We used the beginning of reading to clear out old, unfinished work and organize our desks. I wanted to be sure that we began this next marking period in an organized manner. Then we read a non-fiction text called From Father to Son and dicussed the mani idea of the book.

Following PE, lunch and recess we will begin our next writing intent, Writing to Inform. This will be our focus for the entire second marking period. Today students will list topics they know a lot about.

We will end the day by defining common geographioc terms If time permits, we will review goods and services in preparation for our field trip on Friday.

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