Monday, March 27, 2017

Marvelous Monday

This morning the students worked on a language review activity.  After reviewing the correct answers, we began our social studies lesson.

Today we began researching the cultures of the three Native American Tribes that were in Maryland when the settlers arrived.

Next we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then re went over Friday's formative and did a short group lesson introducing the students to decimal notation.  After that we began our rotations.

During the small group lesson we used decimal notation to represent fractions with a denominator of 10 and 100.  During math with a partner, the students worked on their multiplication fact fluency while playing Multiplication War.  Finally, during math with a partner, the students watched 2 Learn Zillion lessons and took notes in their math journals.  If they had extra time, they used the Fruit Shoot web site to practice identifying the representation of fractions in decimal notation.

For HOMEWORK the children need to use the worksheet from group to represent, using both the model and decimal notation, for the following fractions:  7/100, 48/100, 6/10, 2 and 8/10.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  When they returned to class we began our literacy block.

Pink:  First we reviewed the 3 ways to spell the /er/sound.  Then we identified words, in our text, that included one of the three spelling patterns.  After that we did a first reading of the text, "What is a Rock?.  Finally, we discussed the main idea of the article.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the article and number the paragraphs.

Blue:  The students received an article called, If Rocks Could Talk".  They read it independently and highlighted unknown words.  Then, in group we reviewed their unknown words and read and discussed the article.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the article and number the paragraphs.

Orange:  The students read an article called, "Dig This!" independently and underlined or highlighted unknown words.  Then they met with their group to discuss challenging words and questions they had.  Next, we met together to review the main idea and go over some vocabulary.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the article and number the paragraphs.

Green:  The children read an article called, "Hard Minerals," independently and underline or highlighted unknown words.  Then they met with their group to discuss challenging words and questions they were wondering.  After that, they met with me to go over anything that was still confusing and determine the main idea.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the article and number the paragraphs.

After reading the students took a Go Noodle brain break and we began our writing lesson.

Today we identified a memoir as an autobiography focused on a small portion of the author's life.  We learned to think of a memoir as a seed if our lives are the watermelon.  Next, we read through some examples of memoirs and identified the topic, mood, and hook.  After that we watched two online lessons about choosing a seed topic for a memoir.  Finally, the students identified ideas they had for seed stories on a Padlet.

HOMEWORK is posted of GC-Holman's Homework.

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