Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, prior to the announcements, the students began working on the story involving the main character they created last week on Writing Wednesday.  After the announcements, some of the students shared their writing.  Then we began our science lesson.

Today we continue reading an article about the dangers facing the Chesapeake Bay and taking notes on a graphic organizer.  During the lesson, not only did we discuss the challenges facing our bay, but I also explained my thinking as I determined what to write on the the note taking capture sheet.

After science, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle brain break.  Then we completed a warm up where the students had to figure out the number of each color of Skittles in a bag given certain parameters.  Next, we began our math rotations.

During the small group instruction, we practice dividing 4-digit buy 1-digit numbers using partial quotients, a strategy closely related to long division.  During math with a partner, the students worked on their multiplication fluency by playing Multiplication War.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students practiced solving division problems using the site, Long Division - Kids Numbers.

For HOMEWORK the students need to finish the worksheet we began in small group.

After, math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, we began our literacy block.  First, we reviewed my expectations for the format of the written business proposal, and those who were finished had the chance to print it out.  Then I reviewed their independent work expectations for today.

First, the students had to take notes on Magellan's origins, destinations, and goals, using two resources.  The purpose was to learn about the explorer and to recognize that different resources provide information in various depths and formats.  After that, the students worked on completing their written business proposal and began their presentations.

Orange:  We reviewed paragraphs 3-5 and identified the main idea of each.  Then we orally rehearsed a possible summary using them.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the text and circle 5 key words they think will be needed in the summary.

After the orange group, the children had art with Mr. Cosgrove.  Then we continued our literacy block.

Green:  We reviewed paragraphs 3-7 and identified the main idea of each.  Then we orally rehearsed a possible summary using them.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the text and circle 5 key words they think will be needed in the summary.

Pink:  We reviewed each paragraph and underlined the main idea.  Then we orally rehearsed a possible summary using them.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the text and circle 5 key words they think will be needed in the summary.

Blue:  We reviewed each paragraph and underlined the main idea.  Then we orally rehearsed a possible summary using them.  For HOMEWORK the students need to reread the text and circle 5 key words they think will be needed in the summary.

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