Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wonderful Wednesady

This morning the students worked on the stories they have been writing on Wednesday mornings.  After the announcements, all had a chance to share but only two students did so.  After that, we focused on social studies, and a bit of science, too.

First, the students worked with their partners, from yesterday, to reread the article on Martin Luther King, Jr., and complete a timeline identifying important events from his life.  Then, those who finished early, began reading, and discussing, 2 articles about calcium.

Next, we switched for math and took a Go Noodle break.  After that we warmed up our math brains with a multiplication and division problem and reviewed last night's homework.  Then we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction we focused on representing and solving multi-step word problems involving all operations.  During math with a partner the students continued working on the elapsed time task cards.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the children practiced solving multi-step word problems and then watched a video demonstrating how to represent and solve it.

For HOMEWORK the children need to solve problems b and c, on the worksheet attached to GC - Holman's Homework.  We already did problem a in class.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  When they returned to class we began our literacy block.

Today, while I continued testing individual students for the monthly informal reading assessments, the students worked on the following tasks.

First, they were supposed to add specific details to the organizer comparing two pieces of text on the same topic...we had a lengthy discussion about it this morning.  Next, the needed to finalize their business proposal presentation.  We will be sharing these with Mrs. Bigelow's class tomorrow.  After that, they worked with a partner, to read, discuss, and chart important facts, from 2 texts, about calcium.

We did stop halfway through the block to enjoy art with Mr. Cosgrove.

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