Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Career Day

Today is Career Day! Mrs. Howard has organized a wonderful presentation of 16 careers for our students to learn about first hand!

We began the day with the students selecting a career for each oft heir six sessions.

After that, we had a shortened math class. In my class we learned about variable and began writing equations using variables instead of boxes. There is no homework.

Our reading block was shortened, as well, due to the actual Career Day presentations. We began our reading block by watching the Mole play perform. Then the groups had 15 minutes to work on anything that needed to be done.

Finally, we went to the Career Day presentations where the students rotated through 6 sessions.

Following lunch and recess the students will return to class and creat than you cards for a special someone. They will also write thank you notes for the Career Day presneters.

If time allows, they will work in their table groups on a way to teach the rest of the class about one aspect of the Aztec culture.

TOmorrow IS Field Day. Mr. McGee will be sending out a Connect Ed phone call this eveining. DUe to the weather, though, we will only have outside activities in the morning...the afternoon will be held in classrooms and the gym. PLEASE dress your child appropriately and send water bottles!!!

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