Friday, September 26, 2008


We have worked hard this week! I am ready for the weekend!!

This morning I was involved in a regularly scheduled meeting where a team of professionals, from our school, look over student data and discuss areas in which certain students display needs AND where others show they are ready to be challenged. From that meeting, different interventions and groups are planned so that we reach the needs of EVERY child. I LOVE these meetings!!!! Over the past couple of years I have seen children progress as a direct effect of these meetings!

In math we had our weekly quiz. The last page was a challenge section. I was impressed with the progress demonstrated by the class on this quiz!

In reading we read and discussed the cover story for another issue of Time for Kids. We also practiced a previewing strategy of identifying unknown words.

Following music, lunch and PE we will visit the computer lab. Students will begin working on Type to Learn. This is a program that teaches children to type properly. We will also make cards using Publisher.

We will end the day with a social studies lesson. We will review goods and services and identify resources needed for production.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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