Tuesday, September 23, 2008


There is an important meeting tonight for parents of children in first, second and third grades. Miss Jones will be going over the new grading system and the new report card. PLEASE make every effort to attend. With that in mind, every child in third grade will bring home an interim progress report tonight! Look for it!!!

On to today...we worked hard this morning!!

In math, the children worked on three digit subtraction with regrouping. I worked with a small group. After looking over their work it is apparent that they children need some instruction on solving problems that require regrouping more than once. We will go over that concept tomorrow. Every child has a worksheet for homework. AS couple, only a couple, have to finish their classwork, too!

In reading we read Strega Nona and reviewed the story elements. Then I introduced using a concept map to acquire a new vocabulary word. We did a concept map for the work barricade, together. Then the children went back to their seats and chose a different word from Strega Nona to use in a concept map they were to complete independently. `I was planning to meet with small groups while they worked in independently but there were many who needed help!

Following lunch and recess, I plan to meet with small groups while the children continue to work independently. However, before they we do that, I will read a story called Amelia's Notebook and begin a list of ideas for entries in their writer's notebook.

WE will end the day by completing a science investigation that we started a couple of weeks ago! OOPS! A student had to remind me that we never finished it...do I get credit for admitting publicly that I am not perfect?!?!?!

Homework: List 8 community workers in their social studies journal and write the good or service that each produces.

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