Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hump Day

Yes, it is formative day in we took and reviewed a formative....the last page was a fourth grade objective and had NOT been taught. I wanted to see if the children could apply the knowledge they have in a new situation. Tonight, for homework, the children should explain the formative to an they solved the problems correctly and what they learned from their mistakes...also they need to work on their multiplication is so important that they memorize the basic facts!

During reading we met in literature discussion groups to discuss our last reading assignment.

Following PE, lunch and recess, the children will be working with a substitute teacher. I get (read sarcasm into that one) to go to the dentist to get help for a tooth I broke on Sunday...yey me!

The children will read and discuss the current issue of Time for is the "person of the Year" issue and JK Rowling was chosen as such. Then they will write about themselves as "Person of the Year". I am looking forward to reading these...they should be a hoot!

After that, the class will be meeting Mrs. Rose, the media specialist, in the computer lab, to continue working on their research reports. Hopefully, some children will begin publishing their brochure using Microsoft Publisher.

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