Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, the students completed the Wednesday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, essential.  Then, they played an online game focusing on the spelling of commonly misspelled words.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

Math began with a factor pair warm up.  After that, we reviewed last night's homework.  Then, we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction we used our knowledge of factors and multiples to solve problems.  The students also completed a graded exit card covering factors and multiples.  During math with a partner, the children played an online factor game, engaging in math discourse.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the children completed a session of Xtra Math.  Then, they chose an online game from the Prime and Composite Live Binder.

In between the second and third rotations, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

Math homework is posted in GC.

After math, we began our literacy block.  First, we went through the research notebook, for our expository writing piece, page by page.  Then, we briefly discussed that plays can be presented in written, oral, and performance forms.  after that, I reviewed the children's independent work for today.

First, the students listened to an oral presentation of "Wali Dad".  Then, they watched a visual performance of it.  During this time, they responded to questions to help the compare and contrast the written, oral, and visual forms of the drama.  After that, they researched the geography of the country they chose, using online resources.  Finally, the students had time to review the parts of speech using the assignment from yesterday.

While they worked, I met with all 3 guided reading groups.  In each group we did the same lesson.

First, we reviewed that a theme is the main message, that is inferred through the words and actions of the main characters, in fiction.  Then we discussed possible themes of "Wali Dad".  After that, we assigned parts and read through a new play, "Cinderella Outgrows the Glass Slipper".  Then, we discussed possible themes of Cinderella.  Finally, we compared the themes of Wali Dad and Cinderella.

After our literacy block, we took a quick Go Noodle brain break.

Then we watched an online presentation defining and describing watersheds.  After that,m the students re-watched the video and completed a Frayer Model for watershed, defining it, and identifying characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

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