Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Terrific Tuesday

This morning, after signing in, the students completed the Tuesday section of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, frequently.  Then, they practiced their keyboarding skills using Typing Club.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a Tic-Tac-Toe themed fraction warm up.  Then, we reviewed last night's math homework.  After that, the students took a fractions formative.  Those who finished early completed a session of Xtra Math.

After the quiz, the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When we returned to class, we reviewed the correct answers to the fraction formative.  Then, we learned how to use multiplication to identify common denominators and equivalent fractions.

Math homework is posted in GC.

After math, we began our literacy block.

First, I modeled how to use my research notes to draft the third paragraph, or second body paragraph, for our expository piece.  After that, I demonstrated how to color code the paragraph to ensure all required information was included.

After that, the students worked independently on the following tasks, while I met with guided reading groups.  First, with a partner, they read the poem, "The Race".  Then, together, they determined a theme and identified 2-3 line of text that supported it.  After that, the students finished writing their second paragraph, which they started yesterday, and worked on their third paragraph, which I modeled today.  Finally, if they had time, they worked on the Flocabulary lesson about the correct usage and punctuation of dialogue.

Guided Reading Groups:

Green:  We reread the poem, "The Race," and determined the theme.  Then we identified lines of text that support it.  After that, together, we wrote a written response identifying the theme using direct quotes from the text to support it.

Pink:  We reread the poem, "The Race," summarized it, and determined the theme.  Then we identified lines of text that support it.  After that, together, we wrote a written response identifying the theme using direct quotes from the text to support it.

In between the pink and blue reading groups we had a fire drill. 

Blue:  We reread the poem, "The Race,"summarized it,  and determined the theme.  Then we identified lines of text that support it.  After that, together, we began a written response identifying the theme using direct quotes from the text to support it.

The students ended their day in art, with Mrs. Daniell, while I attended our weekly team planning meeting.

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