Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning, after unpacking and signing in, the students completed the Wednesday section of our vocabulary sheet for the word of the week, significance.  When they finished, they played a parts of speech online game.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication warm up.  Then, we went over last night's homework.  Next, we took a formative covering multiplicative comparison word problems.  These have been graded and returned to students.  Please look for them in binder this evening.

After the formative, we took part in the bus evacuation drill.  Then the children enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

After recess, we did a whole group lesson, using arrays (graph paper) to solve 2-digit by 1-digit multiplication problems.

There is a worksheet for HOMEWORK that is due FRIDAY, not tomorrow.  Instructions, and an example, is on GC.

After math, we began our literacy block.  Today we began with a writing lesson.  We learned some proofreading marks as we discussed specific capitalization and punctuation rules.  Then, the children conferred with their writing partners, and used the proofreading marks to edit each other's drafts.

Then we did a quick, whole group lesson, about paraphrasing in order to summarize non-fiction text.

While the students worked independently, I met with guided reading groups.  First the children completed a pre-test for tomorrow's Ag Farm field trip.  After that, they used the Encyclopedia Britannica to  complete the decomposers chart and explain how decomposers benefit their ecosystem.  Finally, they began drafting their final version of the narrative writing piece.

pink:  We reviewed paraphrasing and then discussed how to summarize non-fiction text.  The students were instructed to identify the main idea in the topic sentence, and then to include the main idea of each section of text, using headings whenever possible.  After reading the story of Humpty Dumpty, and a summary, we read an article about plants and wrote a summary together.

green:  We reviewed paraphrasing and then discussed how to summarize non-fiction text.  The students were instructed to identify the main idea in the topic sentence, and then to include the main idea of each section of text, using headings whenever possible.  After reading the story of Humpty Dumpty, and a summary, we read an article about plants and wrote a summary together.

blue:  We reviewed paraphrasing and then discussed how to summarize non-fiction text.  The students were instructed to identify the main idea in the topic sentence, and then to include the main idea of each section of text, using headings whenever possible.  After reading the story of Humpty Dumpty, and a summary, we read an article about plants and wrote a summary together.

We ended the day by watching and discussing a video about the early Native American tribes that lived in Northern America before the European settlers arrived.

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