Thursday, October 5, 2017

Thrilling Thursday

This morning the students completed the Thursday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, brief.  Then, they worked on solving our weekly puzzles.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math by reviewing the homework assignment from Tuesday night.  After that, the students took a quick formative covering multi-step word problems involving addition and subtraction.  These have been graded and returned to the students.  Please look for them in the math section of the binder this evening.

Once all students had completed the quiz, we did a whole group lesson (to make the most of our shortened time) covering multiplicative comparison word problems, using a bar model to solve them.  We watch 2 short video lessons and discussed each.  Then we solved four problems, together, as a class.

After that, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

When they returned to class, they completed an Xtra Math session and practiced solving word problems using online sites.  I met with a small group to do some reteaching based on our formative from last week, using the standard algorithm to add and subtract.

Math HOMEWORK is posted on GC.

After math we got our pictures taken.  Then we had a writing mini-lesson.  We discussed how authors avoid using overused words to make their writing more interesting and clear.  Then we created a chart listing words we could use instead of good/great, said, and look.  After that, the students marked those words, in their drafts, with post-it notes.

Next, they went to music with Mrs. Graf.

After music, we ate snack and had our SGA representative elections.

Then, we began our literacy block.

Students got new reading group assignments, based on their MAP-R scores and classwork thus far.  Each group received a non-fiction text about decomposers and producers to read, using think marks, and listing 3-4 tricky words.  After that, they went back to their writing draft to revise for overused words.  Finally, those who haven't finished had time to work on their non-fiction reading formative.

Reading Groups:  This week we are integrating reading and science!

Pink:  We met and reviewed unknown words,scientific vocabulary,  text features, and confusing and surprising parts that they marked.

Blue:  We met and reviewed unknown words,scientific vocabulary,  text features, and confusing and surprising parts that they marked.

Green:  We met and reviewed unknown words,scientific vocabulary,  text features, and confusing and surprising parts that they marked.

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