Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of Fourth Grade

Today marks the first day of fourth grade, not only for the children, but for me, too!!!

We had a busy day today.  We began by choosing seats and decorating name tag tents.  Then we organized and labeled materials, folders, and journals.  While I met with small groups to do this, the rest of the class worked on a newspaper identifying important parts of their summer.

After that, we took a tour of the school and made an afternoon dismissal chart.

Finally, it was time for lunch and recess.

After recess, I distributed home folders and some papers.  During this time the children decorated a front cover for their home folder.  After that, we reviewed Chrome Book etiquette and procedures.  Then the students got their assigned Chrome Book and practiced logging in.

During his time we had a fire drill.

When we returned  from the drill, the students joined our math group in Google Classroom, and began their first task, All About Math Me.

Some reminders:

  • The BLUE emergency form MUST be returned tomorrow.
  • We have PE tomorrow.  Please dress your child appropriately.
  • Students should bring a small water bottle to keep at their seat.  We have a water jug but they need their own bottle to fill.
  • Back to School Night is this Thursday.

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