Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

This morning we began our day by visiting the media center.  Students had the opportunity to choose books to borrow.

After that, I continued my informal reading assessments with individual students while Mrs. Benson worked with the rest of the class.  First, the students shared their expectations for independent work time, which they created in small groups using the iPads yesterday, with the rest of the class.  AS they did this, Mrs. Benson complied a class list of the student ideas.  After that, Mrs. Benson introduced the idea of inferencing to the group.  Then they used that to "read" a wordless picture book titled, Free Fall by David Wiesner.

We began math with a quick warm up.  Then we reviewed last night's homework.  After that, I introduced rounding numbers to the nearest hundred.   There is a sample lesson posted, on this blog, under the "lessons" tab.  Additionally, here is a link to the lesson.  The students did not have a chance to practice this skill in class.  Therefore, the homework is a basic fact addition worksheet.

Following lunch and recess, Mrs. Howard, our school counselor, visited us and did a lesson about character traits.

We will end the day by getting classroom jobs and working in small groups to identify examples of the American democratic principle.

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