Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thrilling Thursday

This morning the students completed the Thursday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, propose. Then, they tried to solve our weekly puzzles.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

We began math with a warm up involving 2 division problems.  The focus was interpreting what the remainders meant.  Then, we began our rotations.

During the small group instruction, we practiced determining the number of digits in a quotient, estimating it, and then solving the problem.  During math with a partner, the students played a dots board game that involved dividing 3- and 4-digit numbers by a 1- digit number.  Finally, during the technology rotation, the students completed a session of Xtra Math, and then practiced dividing with remainders, using the Live Binder.

In between the second and third rotations, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.

Math homework is posted in GC.

After math we began our literacy block.  We started with a writing mini-lesson.  Today we focused on the reasons for using paragraphs in our writing.  Then we used a model paper to identify and indent paragraphs.  During independent writing time today the children checked that they indented each paragraph, continued proofreading for spelling, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation.  Then, students who were ready began working on their final version.

Next, the children went to music with Mrs. Graf.

When they returned to class, they ate snack while I reviewed today's independent work. 

First, the students completed revising their persuasive writing pieces.  Next, those who needed to, finished the cause and effect assignment from their reading of, "Out of Shattered Land."  After that, every student rewrote a sentence used context clues, background knowledge, and  Finally, they had time to begin a new social studies project. 

They will be using to create a brochure demonstrating their knowledge as to how the Sioux, Iroquois, and Navajo tribes used their environment for food, shelter, and clothing.

While they worked I met with guided reading groups.

Pink:  Today we revisited "Out of Shattered Land," and practiced providing the key details, when a main idea was provided.  We also used the key details that were given to us to determine the main idea.

Green:  Today we revisited "Out of Shattered Land," and practiced providing the key details, when a main idea was provided.  We also used the key details that were given to us to determine the main idea.

Blue:  Today we revisited "Out of Shattered Land," and practiced providing the key details, when a main idea was provided.  We also used the key details that were given to us to determine the main idea.

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