Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wonderful Wednesday - Fun Run Day!

This morning, the students completed the Wednesday portion of the vocabulary sheet for our word of the week, confirm.  Then, the completed an online Mad Libs type activity, reinforcing knowledge of the parts of speech.  After the announcements, we switched for math.

Math began with a muti-step word problem involving multiplication and division.  Then we reviewed last night's homework, using grid paper and arrays to divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers.  Next, we did a whole group lesson covering the partial quotient strategy for division.  After reviewing the process, students had time to practice using this web site.  Finally, the children had time to complete a session of Xtra Math and then use the Division Live Binder to practice division fluency.

Math homework is posted on GC.

After math, the students enjoyed lunch and outdoor recess.  Then, we had our Fun Run!!

It was a blast to see the students determined to meet their goal and their enthusiasm when they did.

When we returned to class, the students were hot and tired, so we ate snack and played a fun Kahoot, which they earned as one of their Fun Run rewards.

After the Kahoot, we finally began our literacy block.  Today's reading lesson focused on context clues.  After reviewing what a context clue is and how to use the text to understand the meaning of unknown words, we watched a short video, and did a practice example together.

Next, we began our writing lesson.  Today we spent time identifying the structure of the middle paragraphs in the persuasive essays we have been reading in class.  We used highlighters to color code the reason, the explanation, and the recap sentence.

Finally, the students had time to practice using context clues to define made up words.  Then they completed a graphic organizer to cite their reasons and supporting facts for their own opinion essay.  After that, they completed the science activity identifying how 2 organisms in their eco-columns support one another.

At the end of the day, we reviewed the context clues activity as a class.

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